Day of death
2022/01/30 (85 years old)
Place of Birth
Also know as
Leonid Kuravlev, Леонид Куравлёв, Леонид Куравлев, Куравлёв Леонид Вячеславович, L. Kuravlev, L. Kuravlyov, L.Kuravlyov, Куравлев Леонид Вячеславович, Leonid Kouravliov, Leonid Viatcheslavovitch Kouravliov
Soviet and Russian film actor. He became a People’s Artist of the RSFSR in 1976. Kuravlyov was born in Moscow into a working-class family. His father Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Kuravlyov (1909–1979) worked as a locksmith at the Salyut Machine-Building Association and his mother Valentina Dmitriyevna Kuravlyova (1916–1993) was a hairdresser. In 1941 with the start of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union (known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War) his mother was arrested on false report, accused of...Read more
(1972) White Queen's Move
as Тюликов, тренер Бабуриной
(1976) Afonya
as Афанасий Николаевич Борщов (Афоня), слесарь-сантехник
(1973) Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
as Жорж Милославский / князь Милославский
(1963) Крыса на подносе
as ---
(1973) Pyotr Ryabinkin
as ---
(1969) I Am His Bride
as ---
(1977) The Most Beautiful Horse
as ---
(1974) Северная рапсодия
as ---
(1997) Old Songs about the Main Thing 2
as ---
(2009) The Book of Masters
as Barin
(1988) Enclosure
as ---
(1988) Restricted Area
as ---
(1977) Mimino
as Professor Khachikyan
(1975) It Can't Be!
as Vladimir Zavitushkin
(2003) Evropejskij Konvoj
as генерал
(1959) There Will Be No Leave Today
as Morozov
(1968) The Golden Calf
as Shura Balaganov
(1973) This Merry Planet
as Игрек - член экипажа летающей тарелки
(1983) The Trust That Has Burst
as Ezra Plunkett
(1985) The Most Charming and Attractive
as Pasha Dyatlov
(2002) Esli Nevesta Vedma
as ---
(1979) Fuss of the Fusses
as Volodya
(1979) The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
as "Smoked"
(1969) Shine, Shine, My Star
as Red comissar
(1978) Incognito from St.Petersburg
as Shpekin
(1989) The Stairway
as дядя Миша
(1987) First Encounter - Last Encounter
as Count
(2005) The Turkish Gambit
as major
(1992) Destroy the Thirtieth!
as ---
(2016) All That Jam
as father Leonty
(1961) When the Trees Were Tall
as Lenka
(1970) The Beginning
as Arkadiy
(1997) The Night Before Christmas
as ---
(1970) The Ballad of Bering and His Friends
as ---
(1966) There Is Such a Lad
as Pashka
(1983) We're from Jazz
as Samsonov
(1989) Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
as Editor
(1985) Dangerous for Your Life!
as Spartak Molodtsov
(1993) The Codex of Disgrace
as ---
(1982) Look for a Woman
as Henri Granden
(1987) One Time Deal
as Fedor Romanov
(1995) What a Mess!
as USA ambassador
(1988) Holy Moly!
as ---
(1986) Snake Catcher
as Konstantin
(2003) Railway Romance
as Petrovich
(1973) Life and Amazing Aventures of Robinson Crusoe
as Robinson
(1993) There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
as Mikhail Gorbachev
(1991) Meet Me in Tahiti
as Шнайдер
(1980) Little Tragedies
as Адриан Прохоров/Лепорелло
(1995) Lady Into Lassie
as Grigoriy Muromskiy
(1987) Defeat
as ---
(1977) Funny People!
as Денис Григорьев
(1994) A Show for a Single Man
as ---
(1974) Lev Gurych Sinichkin
as князь Ветренский
(1974) To Dream and to Live
as Иван Григорьевич, механизатор-тракторист, режиссёр
(1981) Ladies Invite Gentlemen
as Sanya
(1986) Sitting on the Golden Porch
as Kороль Амфибрахий
(1985) Five Minutes of Fear
as Леонид Каретников (свидетель)
(1994) The Master and Margarita
as Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy
(1980) Don't Leave Your Lovers
as Валера
(1981) We, the Undersigned
as Lyonya Shindin
(1979) You to Me, Me to You
as Ivan Kashkin / Sergei Kashkin
(1967) Elder Sister
as Volodya
(1998) The Barber of Siberia
as Vakhmistr Bukin
(1977) Timur and His Team
as ---
(1985) The Invisible Man
as Marvel
(1990) Entrance to Labyrinth
as Oleg Khlebnikov
(2004) The Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Tale of Saint Olga
as ---
(1984) Before We Part
as Badarin
(1978) Счет человеческий
as Чаплыгин (зооинспектор)
(1978) A Dog Was Walking on the Piano
as ---
(1970) Two Days of Wonders
as зав. терапевическим отделением Мурашев Вадим Леонидович
(1991) Made in USSR
as Ivan Moiseyevich
(1977) Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика
as ---
(1988) Three on the Red Carpet
as Михаил Иванович Сошкин
(1988) Hope
as Stepan
(1966) Без свидетелей
as Валька Бурмакин
(1983) Mirgorod and Its Inhabitants
as Ivan Shponka
(1978) Live in Joy
as Митяй Пряжкин (Дмитрий Петрович)
(1975) Repeated Wedding
as Михайлов
(1983) Demidovy
as Menshikov
(1983) Vitya Glushakov - A Friend of the Apaches
as Arkady
(1960) Midshipman Panin
as Pyotr Kamushkin
(1984) Chekhov's Vaudevilles
as ---
(1993) Queen's Personal Life
as ---
(1990) The Charming Traveller
as Priest
(1991) Traces of Rain
as ---
(1971) The Roundabout
as Nikolai Timofeyevich
(1990) It
as Vasilisk Borodavkin
(1994) Simple - Minded
as ---
(1994) Russian Account
as Иван Сидоров, майор
(1994) Russian miracle
as Сеня
(1983) Не было печали
as Vadim Petrovich Potapov
(1985) Sincerely Yours...
as Emtsov
(1978) Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...
as Михаил (новелла «Мы едем, едем, едем...»)
(1969) Not Under the Jurisdiction
as Sorokin
(1971) The Seven Brides of Lance-Corporal Zbruyev
as Priest
(1973) The Twelve Months
as Old soldier
(1992) Gangsters in the Ocean
as Sobakin
(1964) Непридуманная история
as Kostya Remizov
(1987) Martinko
as Martinko (voice)
(1968) Literature Lesson
as Савелий Сидоров
(1966) Your Son and Brother
as Степан Воеводин, средний сын
(1963) Third Time
as Lyonya Fokin
(1969) Men's Talk
as Alexey
(1996) A Man for a Young Girl
as ---
(1988) Blackmailer
as Федор Семенович
(1991) KGB Agents Also Fall in Love
as ---
(1971) Liberation: The Last Assault
as Chuikov's signaler
(1976) The Adventures of Travka
as ---
(1982) It's Just Awful!
as Ruslan Ivanovich
(1979) Tailcoat for an Idler
as ---
(1986) The Left-Hander
as император Александр Павлович
(1976) Without Father
as ---
(1973) Aibolit and Barmaley
as Толстый
(1992) Detonator
as ---
(1976) Circus in the Circus
as Grisha
(1974) Kysh and TwoBriefcases
as папа Алёши, Дмитрий Эдуардович
(1994) Sentence
as Лео Харман
(2002) The Love Arrow
as ---
(1999) Ultimatum
as Leonid
(1965) Everything for You
as ---
(1976) Ау-у! (Киноальманах)
as Пташук Геннадий Иванович («Что наша жизнь?! Или что наша жизнь?!»)
(1970) A Day and the Whole Life
as ---
(1974) My Friends
as ---
(1961) Lyubushka
as ---
(1971) Late Child
as ---
(1978) While the Dream is Mad
as ---
(1973) Nylon 100%
as работник скупки Веня Гурьянов
(1984) Copper Angel
as Ларсен
(1970) О друзьях-товарищах
as ---
(1965) Time, Forward!
as Korneyev
(1988) Presumption of Innocence
as Bondarev - nachalnik poezda
(1974) Homeboy
as Fedor
(1990) The Suicide
as заведующий тиром Александр Лукьянович Калабушкин
(1983) Свадебный подарок
as ---
(1972) Seventh Skies
as ---
(1998) The Stringer
as ---
(1990) Spanish Actress for Russian Minister
as Игорь Иванович Степанов
(1969) Crash
as Сыроежкин
(1982) Take Care of the Men!
as Vladimir Rodionov
(1975) Escape of Mr. McKinley
as мистер Дроот
(1988) May I die, Lord
as ---
(1992) In Search of the Golden Phallus
as руководитель круиза
(1981) Crazy Money
as Vasiliy
(1961) Водил поезда машинист
as Yasha
(1960) Из Лебяжьего сообщают
as Сеня Громов
(1979) Pena
as Валерий Солома, аферист
(1991) How Is It Going, Crucians?
as высокий начальник
(1981) Facts of the Past Day
as Grinin
(1998) Old Songs About the Main Thing 3
as Жорж Милославский
(1967) Viy
as Хома Брут, бурсак, философ
(1976) The Last Sacrifice
as Lavr Mironych
(1967) Such a Big Boy
as Vasiliy
(1988) Энергичные люди
as Аристарх Петрович Кузькин
(1990) Несрочная весна
as хозяин
(2004) Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Ladder of Vladimir the Red Sun
as Dobrynya
(1988) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Part 2
as Von Bork
(1987) Sherlock Holmes in the 20th Century
as Von Bork
(1993) The Devil's Puppets
as ---
(1971) Young People
as new settler
(2008) The Heirs
as глава администрации
(1969) Любовь Серафима Фролова
as Serafim Frolov
(1997) New Year's Story
as Ded Moroz
(1980) Next of Kin
as Толик
(1977) Fun for Old People
as Yefremov
(1979) Unanswered Love
as Pavlov
(1980) For the Matches
as Peasant
(1978) The Rain
as Trenka, apprentice (voice)
(1994) The Ghost of My House
as ---
(1990) Pretty Face
as ---
(1972) Boys
as Viktor Viktorovich
(1991) Across Red Nights
as ---
(1993) Provincial Benefit
as ---
(1988) Karpusha
as Karpusha (voice)
(1993) Chuffyk
as (voice)
(1973) Seventeen Moments of Spring
as Kurt Eismann - SS Obersturmbannfuehrer
(1990) Entrance to the Maze
as Oleg Khlebnikov - doktor neyrofiziolog
(2006) The Turkish Gambit
as Artillery major
(2002) Brigada
as Петр Чуйков
(1979) The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
as «Копчёный» (вор-чердачник Валентин Бисяев)
(1962) Fuse
as ---
(1984) TASS Is Authorized to Declare...
as Андрей Андреевич Зотов, инженер-корабел
(1980) Little Tragedies
as Адриан Прохоров/Лепорелло
(1998) Streets of Broken Lights
as Андрей Петрович Ершов, "Дед"
(1988) Life of Don Quixote and Sancho
as Nicolas
(2000) Memories of Sherlock Holmes
as Von Bork
(1980) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
as Von Bork
(1988) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The twentieth century begins
as von Bork
(1973) The Twelve Months
as Старый солдат
(1983) Ищите женщину
as Henri Granden