Season 2011 (2011)

Volcanoes of the Solar System

January 3, 2011

The planets and moons of our solar system are covered in volcanoes, some billions of years old and seven times the height of Mount...Read more

Orion the Hunter

January 31, 2011

The great winter constellation of Orion is easily visible, with its ruby red star Betelgeuse and distinctive shape. It is also hom...Read more

700 Not Out

March 6, 2011

Sir Patrick Moore celebrates the 700th episode of The Sky at Night at his home in Sussex, with the help of special guests Professo...Read more

Double Star Party

April 4, 2011

Sir Patrick Moore joins an unlikely star party in the heart of London, where enthusiastic astronomers are cutting through the ligh...Read more

Storm Chasing

May 5, 2011

In the atmosphere of Saturn there is a gigantic storm, which is bigger than Earth itself. This month Sir Patrick Moore looks at th...Read more

Cygnus the Swan

June 6, 2011

The summer constellation of Cygnus will soon be flying overhead in our night sky. With its rich array of nebulae and star clusters...Read more

The Stars Indoors

July 3, 2011

Sir Patrick Moore visits the South Downs Planetarium and discovers how the stars appeared to the ancient Egyptians, whilst Pete La...Read more

Dawn at Vesta

August 8, 2011

The NASA spacecraft Dawn is getting up close and personal with the asteroid Vesta. Sir Patrick Moore discusses the first fly-by im...Read more

Final Frontier

September 4, 2011

The future of manned space flight is entering an uncertain phase, with our once vivid dreams of returning to the Moon and landing ...Read more

Pegasus and Andromeda

October 6, 2011

Two of the great autumn constellations of Andromeda and Pegasus will soon be gracing our night skies. The maiden Andromeda, chaine...Read more

Curious about Mars

November 10, 2011

As Mars returns to our night skies, Sir Patrick Moore discusses its four faces. Dr Chris Lintott travels to a world gathering of p...Read more

Outer Limits

December 8, 2011

The outer limits of the solar system are a dark, cold and mysterious place, which only the Voyager spacecraft have visited. Sir Pa...Read more