Season 2009 (2009)

Light Fantastic

January 5, 2009

This first Sky at Night of 2009 is a celebration of the humble (and Hubble) telescope, which is now 400 years old. It all began wi...Read more

The Merry Dancers

February 2, 2009

Dr Chris Lintott travels to a radar facility in Norway to see the Aurora Borealis.

The Fountains of Enceladus

March 2, 2009

Saturn's mysterious moon Enceladus has startled astronomers with its amazing ice geysers, which spew out material into space. Sir ...Read more

Herschel in the Red

April 6, 2009

Patrick Moore discusses what Herschel, Europe's biggest and most expensive space satellite, will do once it begins its infrared ex...Read more

Close Encounters

May 4, 2009

Every day, asteroids whiz past the Earth on their journey through space. Sir Patrick Moore discusses the chances of a close encoun...Read more

Neighbourhood Watch

June 1, 2009

Containing trillions of stars, Andromeda is the largest galaxy in our neighbourhood. It is 2.5 million light years away, yet is st...Read more

Apollo 11: A Night to Remember

June 21, 2009

Using archive sound, satellite footage and film taken by the astronauts, Patrick Moore presents the story of mankind's first journ...Read more

Mapping the Moon

July 2, 2009

Patrick Moore presents a guide to the most familiar body in the night sky, whilst Chris Lintott gives tips on how to observe the moon.

The Apollo Miracle

July 6, 2009

Forty years on, Patrick Moore and guests discuss the achievements of the Apollo programme.

Last Man on the Moon

July 7, 2009

On 14th December 1972, Captain Eugene Cernan left the Moon to return to Earth. He had no idea that, 25 years later, he would still...Read more

Coronae of the Sun

August 3, 2009

Sir Patrick Moore, with the help of Pete Lawrence and the latest pictures, investigates the longest total eclipse of the sun for m...Read more

Jupiter Rising

September 7, 2009

In July 2009, a mysterious large object crashed into Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, leaving behind a scar in the...Read more

The Great Observatories

October 5, 2009

Following the Hubble space telescope's overhaul, Sir Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott examine its latest findings and the data from...Read more

Lunar Impact

November 2, 2009

Observers now know there is water on the Moon, but how much? NASA's new LCROSS probe into the lunar surface will find out. Chris L...Read more

Exploring Mars

November 15, 2009

For centuries, astronomers, writers and philosophers have speculated about life on the planet Mars, but we have learned more about...Read more

The Winter Sky

December 7, 2009

Winter is approaching and, with longer nights, it is the perfect time to get outside to enjoy the wonders of the night sky. Sir Pa...Read more