February 2, 1995 • 30m
After Wrongo escapes from prison, he reunites with the Wrong Riders in order to rob Bonehead and take revenge on Tex Tinstar.
March 27, 1995 • 30m
Tex and Chafe are fired for failing to stop the Wrong Riders. Meanwhile, the Wrong Riders capture Percy Lacedaisy.
July 11, 1995 • 30m
With Percy Lacedaisy as their captive, the Wrong Riders work to pry the combination of the safe from him. Meanwhile, Tex and Chafe...Read more
August 1, 1995 • 30m
Tex, Chafe, and Percy struggle to keep themselves from falling off a cliff into the forest fire below with the help of Floyd the Insane Rattlesnake.
January 9, 1995 • 30m
Still wanting to break into the stolen safe, Wrongo enlists a diminutive safecracker named Krusty Rustknuckle.
August 21, 1995 • 30m
Tex, Chafe, Percy, and Floyd reach the Dead Duck Saloon to confront the Wrong Riders who are working to reattach Krusty's head to his body.
August 22, 1995 • 30m
During the fight at the Dead Duck Saloon, Tex follows Wrongo deep in the waters of a bathtub where Wrongo manages to tie Tex to a ...Read more
August 24, 1995 • 30m
After escaping from the sharks, Tex meets up with Chafe, Percy, and Floyd where they and the Wrong Riders have found that Krusty h...Read more
August 26, 1995 • 30m
Both Tex's group and the Wrong Riders continue their pursuit of Krusty as they each set up camp in the desert at night.
August 28, 1995 • 30m
After Krusty meets his doom at the hands of the Polite Coyotes, Tex and Chafe recover Here Boy and continue their pursuit of the Wrong Riders.
August 29, 1995 • 30m
Tex's group catches up to the Wrong Riders. Meanwhile, a fragment of a doomed planet heads toward Earth.
August 31, 1995 • 30m
Tex is able to save Chafe, Floyd, and the Wrong Riders from being hurled into the Sun. Afterwards, the Wrong Riders get the drop o...Read more
September 2, 1995 • 30m
Percy, re-entering Earth's atmosphere following the planet fragment hitting Earth, inadvertently saves Tex, Chafe, and Floyd from ...Read more