February 13, 1998 • 23m
-Guarding the pee (skiing equipment) -intro -buying condoms -Glenn Humplik is hiding -Tom talks with some striking Ontario tea...Read more
February 20, 1998 • 23m
-prime minister can you sign my balls -intro -everyone likes fights (magneto vs. wolverine) -the southpole crew -meat vs. mug ...Read more
February 27, 1998 • 23m
-beach tanning (know what im saying) -intro -oxymen girls are pretty -someone took Glenn's watch (but I have a watch motch motc...Read more
March 6, 1998 • 23m
-do ya think IM sexy? -intro -interview with the spanish sailor -Glenn shows his ass (Money Bags Humplik) + Tom sings "Children...Read more
March 13, 1998 • 23m
-hollywood blvd. bums talk with Tom -intro -the Canterbury tales -fire in parents bed at 3am -toms parents gueststar, and fire...Read more
March 20, 1998 • 23m
-Tom solves the OJ simpson murder mystery -intro -hockey guy -tom with the old man makeup. Dave Allston is ejected and banned f...Read more
March 27, 1998 • 23m
-Tom, Derek, and Ray run outta gas in mexico. tom does impressions for people waiting for the gas -intro -Jimmy cab, makes repli...Read more
April 3, 1998 • 23m
-tom plays a bus driver.. who makes a young boy walk past his stop -intro -breadheads return: tom hassles people who he thinks a...Read more
April 10, 1998 • 23m
-dancing man, and tom -intro -fun with science, the urinating scientist -tic tac toe with the audience, yelling at them "you st...Read more
April 17, 1998 • 23m
-dennis woodruff, the struggling actor -intro -tom fulfills a dream: meeting Alex trebek -a game: stinky whiskey buttons with t...Read more
April 17, 1998 • 23m
-Hollywood gay old man -intro -the power of the camera: the drunk imbecile that tom and Phil met in a bar. Who is tied up, and c...Read more
April 24, 1998 • 23m
-rotting head cartoon guy.. Eagle ate his brain -intro -fashion police, with tom, some girl, and toms ex -tom calls audience me...Read more
May 1, 1998 • 23m
-shock at the marilyn manson concert -intro -come blow with me -Guest: Jean-marc from Ritchies welding -Searching Mexico for T...Read more