February 5, 1984 • 23m
Covers the history and ancestry of today's (1984) PC. Demos: HP 150 PC, Computer Museum, TX-1 Computer http://archive.org/details/MainFram1984
February 12, 1984
The new breed of integrated software suites and the visual interface. Demos: Apple LisaVisiOn, DESQ http://archive.org/details/Integrat1984
February 19, 1984
The computer as a creative tool used to make, display and store music. Guests: John Chowning, Stanford; Will Harvey, Electronic Ar...Read more
February 26, 1984
The use of computers to simulate various real-world environments for military, entertainment and architectural applications. Guest...Read more
March 12, 1984
A review of competing operating systems and their affect on software development. Guests: Gary Kildall, SRI; Tony Fanning, Hewlett...Read more
March 19, 1984
A review of the new generation of word processors. Demos: Word, Vision, Writer's Work Bench Text Editor, Word Plus, Punctuation & ...Read more
March 26, 1984
Security issues related to the world's increasing dependence on information in computer networks. Demos: Digi-Link, Add & Answer V...Read more
March 19, 1984
Robotic hardware and software and robotics based applications. Demos: Hero I Robot, Teach Mover Robot http://archive.org/details/Robotics1984
March 26, 1984
A look at speech synthesis and speech recognition technologies. Demos: Minolta Talking Camera, Texas Instruments Speak & Spell, Ep...Read more
April 2, 1984
Connecting computers, peripherals, broadband and baseband. Demos: Centralized Intelligence, Distributed Intelligence, Local Area N...Read more
April 5, 1984
History and development of the microprocessor. Demos: AMD 2901 (4 bit), AMD 29116 (16 bit) http://archive.org/details/Microchi1984
April 9, 1984
A look at the popular new software programs for business. Demos: Lotus 123, SuperCalc 3PC Talk, CrossTalk, IBM Professional Office...Read more
April 16, 1984
Floppy drives, hard drives, and bubble memory. Demos: 5 ¼ inch floppy drive, 3 ½ inch floppy drive, RCA CED videodisk, 3680 1.2 GB...Read more
April 23, 1984
Printer technology from daisy wheel to dot matrix to laser. Demos: Diablo Daisy Wheel Printer, Diablo Thermal Printer, Diablo Seri...Read more
April 30, 1984
Mainframe and network databases for computer users. Demos: The Source, CompuServe, Dialog Information Services http://archive.org/details/Database1984
May 7, 1984
A review of computer art, graphics capabilities of computers and professional computer graphics systems. Guests: Herb Lechner, SRI...Read more
May 14, 1984
Expert systems software and artificial intelligence applications. Guests: Gary Kildall, DRI; Mike Thoma, Mgmt Decisn Sys; Steve We...Read more
May 21, 1984
A look at health problems related to computer use such as video display radiation and repetitive stress injuries. Guests: Herb Lec...Read more
June 25, 1984
A review of current popular programming languages. Guests: Gary Kildall, DRI; Paul Grady, Microfocus; Dave Eisenberg, Apple; Eliza...Read more
July 2, 1984
Episode 20 of Season 1 premiered on July 2, 1984
September 28, 1984
Computers are creating an entirely new platform for playing games, between humans or between humans and computers. Guests: Trip Ha...Read more
October 5, 1984
A look at the people who are driving the personal computer industry. Guests: Gary Kildall, Digital Research; Steve Wozniak, Apple;...Read more
October 12, 1984
Japan's fifth generation computer project and a look at the next phase of PC platforms. Shot in Japan. Guests: Gary Kildall, Digit...Read more
October 19, 1984
An early look at supercomputers in the United States and Japan. Featured guests include George Michael, head of computer research ...Read more
October 26, 1984
An early look at artificial Intelligence. Guests includes Edward Feigenbaum of Stanford University, Nils Nilsson of the AI Center ...Read more
November 2, 1984
An early look at how computers are being used in formal education. Guests include Professor Patrick Suppes of Stanford University ...Read more