June 11, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more
June 18, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more
June 25, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more
July 2, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more
July 9, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more
July 16, 1979 • 37m
1979. Comedy. Afrikaans. This popular series follows the lives of the De Waal family, friends and rivals in the small town of Ov...Read more