Season 4 (1998)

5 January 1998

January 5, 1998 • 30m

The Cunninghams attempt to pick up the pieces in the wake of Cindy's revelation. Will reporter Ruth find out the truth about the abandoned baby?

8 January 1998

January 8, 1998 • 30m

Cindy sinks to the depths of depression. Jambo tells Mrs. Patrick about Mr. Osborne's past.

12 January 1998

January 12, 1998 • 30m

Jude goes on the warpath and Cindy resorts to drastic action to prevent her mother bringing the baby home. Mrs. Patrick reels over Jambo's revelation.

15 January 1998

January 15, 1998 • 30m

Cindy is stunned by her mother's decision about the baby's future. Kurt lashes out at a devastated Lucy. Mandy's fashion show puts her under pressure.

19 January 1998

January 19, 1998 • 30m

Cindy delivers an ultimatum to her mother: it's her or the baby. Sol is forced to ask Mr. Osborne a favour, much to Ruth's amusement.

22 January 1998

January 22, 1998 • 30m

Tony worries about Jambo. Gina and Sol clash with the Williams family. Kurt and Ruth have a shock in store, and Carol pushes Jude to the limit.

26 January 1998

January 26, 1998 • 30m

Lewis receives disturbing news from Jude regarding Mandy. Kurt is down in the dumps, and there's nothing Ruth can do to cheer him ...Read more

29 January 1998

January 29, 1998 • 30m

It's a big day for Cindy, as she must decide whether or not she's keeping her baby. Sol is shocked to catch his mother getting int...Read more

2 February 1998

February 2, 1998 • 30m

Jude worries about what the police are being told. Mandy and Cindy are reunited. Kate's terrified when she's targeted by the Williams family.

5 February 1998

February 5, 1998 • 30m

Lucy is forced to go cold turkey when her prescription is reduced. Jude decides it's time that Tony pays for his three-timing. The...Read more

9 February 1998

February 9, 1998 • 30m

Kate tells Gina about the acid attack, begging her not to testify. Tony's the one receiving a surprise at what should be Jambo's s...Read more

12 February 1998

February 12, 1998 • 30m

The Patricks are left reeling following the court case, with shock soon turning to anger and Kate ending up on the receiving end. ...Read more

16 February 1998

February 16, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Benson gets a shock whilst going through her husband's jacket, while Kurt hates Lucy for how much time she's spending with Rob.

19 February 1998

February 19, 1998 • 30m

As the day of the court case arrives, all eyes are on Gina and whether or not she'll testify. Lucy goes to the doctors but is left...Read more

23 February 1998

February 23, 1998 • 30m

Mr. Osborne and Mrs. Patrick receive a mixed reception about their wedding. Tony's desperate to find out who's victimising him. Ma...Read more

26 February 1998

February 26, 1998 • 30m

Sol and Jambo have to pay for their behaviour the previous night; fortunately for Jambo, his punishment is a bit of gardening. Rut...Read more

2 March 1998

March 2, 1998 • 30m

The climbing trip gang have spent the night up on the mountain. Ruth's left feeling guilty about how she's kept warm, while Rob an...Read more

5 March 1998

March 5, 1998 • 30m

Lucy's distraught while Rob's the smug hero, much to Kurt's frustration. Jambo's annoyed at Carol. Things aren't going to plan for Cindy and Mandy.

9 March 1998

March 9, 1998 • 30m

Ruth is put on the spot when Kurt reads her article about Rob. Mandy's called to the headmaster's office. Despite Sol's disapprova...Read more

12 March 1998

March 12, 1998 • 30m

On the day of Mr. Osborne and Mrs. Patrick's wedding, Mrs. Patrick has a panic attack. Kate introduces her boyfriend to her family...Read more

16 March 1998

March 16, 1998 • 30m

As Tony reels from Tessie's pregnancy revelation, Cindy takes Tony's reaction to the news personally. Kate is upset at her family'...Read more

19 March 1998

March 19, 1998 • 30m

Tony appears unaware that he's upset Cindy. Jude's exciting news for Lewis fades when Benny shows up. Kurt tries to save his parents failing marriage.

23 March 1998

March 23, 1998 • 30m

Jude's left wondering if she can ever get rid of Benny. Jambo's business venture is one step closer to becoming a reality. Mrs. Be...Read more

26 March 1998

March 26, 1998 • 30m

Tessie turns up with an ultimatum for Tony. Jude puts on the charm to wrap Benny round her little finger. The pressures of motherh...Read more

31 March 1998

March 31, 1998 • 30m

Without her pills, Lucy's starting to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Mrs. Benson's still trying to get pregnant. Sol vows revenge whe...Read more

2 April 1998

April 2, 1998 • 30m

Richard begs Gina for a second chance. Lucy wants her relationship with Rob to move up a gear, but he's suspicious of her motives.

7 April 1998

April 6, 1998 • 30m

Kurt convinces Tony to give Tessie the money so that he'll be rid of her and the baby once and for all. As others fail her, Rob su...Read more

9 April 1998

April 9, 1998 • 30m

Richard makes a big decision about his and Kate's future. Jambo celebrates the 'Grand Opening' of his shed. Tony learns the truth ...Read more

14 April 1998

April 14, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Benson receives a gift from Mr. Benson - could a reconciliation be in the air? Kate's pushed to her limits. Holly's rushed to hospital.

16 April 1998

April 16, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Cunningham wants to know what's happened to Holly. Ruth's keen to start house-hunting. Jude and Benny clash over the running of Parker's.

21 April 1998

April 21, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Cunningham demands answers. Kurt doesn't share Ruth's enthusiasm in house-hunting. Jude tries to charm Benny.

23 April 1998

April 23, 1998 • 30m

Jude comes across Benny's book of contacts, giving her an idea to get rid of him once and for all. Ruth's driving causes problems ...Read more

28 April 1998

April 28, 1998 • 30m

Lucy spends the night with Rob although he's not keen on her moving in. Mandy's shocked to see Cindy looking after Holly. Benny se...Read more

30 April 1998

April 30, 1998 • 30m

Tony struggles to get along with Jambo's puppy. Lucy has no money for her recent supply of pills. Jude has fears about Benny's reaction.

4 May 1998

May 4, 1998 • 30m

A deeply remorseful Lewis tells Jude he wants her out of his life for good. Then, at Parker's, Jude discovers that Benny's cleaned her out...

7 May 1998

May 7, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Osborne puts her foot down with her daughter's love-cheat boyfriend Richard. Lucy finds the stolen computer in Rob's bedroom.

11 May 1998

May 11, 1998 • 30m

Ruth's accused of stealing the college computer. Jambo's annoyed to hear Tony broadcasting his business to everyone.

14 May 1998

May 14, 1998 • 30m

Kate gives Richard an ultimatum: it's his wife or her. Lewis explains to Mandy that if his dad keeps his promise, he could give hi...Read more

18 May 1998

May 18, 1998 • 30m

Kate's stunned by Richard's announcement. Lewis gives Kevin an ultimatum - tell the truth about Ruth or the police will be called.

21 May 1998

May 21, 1998 • 30m

Kate can't understand why her mum can't be happy for her. Lucy's under pressure and takes an extra dose of pills.

25 May 1998

May 25, 1998 • 30m

It's Kate’s first morning away from home, but she's not where she thought she'd be. Lucy is feeling rough after the night before a...Read more

28 May 1998

May 28, 1998 • 30m

Lucy has made a huge business blunder. Kirk puts on a brave face but can he save the family business? Kate’s family believe she's ...Read more

1 June 1998

June 1, 1998 • 30m

It's Girlie Night at Parker's - Sash and O.B. can't wait to see the star attraction, but they're in for a shock. Mandy's parents w...Read more

4 June 1998

June 4, 1998 • 30m

Kate's miserable about Richard, but when he turns up, will she take him back? A mischievous Jude plans a surprise for Tony. The Ri...Read more

8 June 1998

June 8, 1998 • 30m

Lewis finds a broken necklace in Mandy's room, which has Sol's name engraved in it. A suspicious Tony heads to Jambo's shed with K...Read more

11 June 1998

June 11, 1998 • 30m

Tony's curious about Jasmine's extracurricular activities - just why does she get phone calls from mysterious men? Mr. Osborne has...Read more

15 June 1998

June 15, 1998 • 30m

Ruth's shocked to see Jude at Lewis's flat. Tony gets worked up about the state of the video shop. Rob has bad news about his fath...Read more

18 June 1998

June 18, 1998 • 30m

Kurt and Ruth move into their new flat. Could Gina have an admirer?

22 June 1998

June 22, 1998 • 30m

Tony tries to conceal his relief when Jasmine reveals herself to be a personal fitness trainer. Jude's unexpected visit causes pro...Read more

25 June 1998

June 25, 1998 • 30m

Tony's up to his ears in brick dust at the video shop. It's a tense time for the Bensons. The police have found Mandy's bag, Mr. R...Read more

29 June 1998

June 29, 1998 • 30m

Sol swears Gina to secrecy. As Richardsons' TV appeal is broadcasted, D.S. Green asks them to identify a body.

2 July 1998

July 2, 1998 • 30m

Mr. Benson's rushed to hospital with a heart attack, whilst the Richardsons arrive at the mortuary.

6 July 1998

July 6, 1998 • 30m

Sol cooperates with the police about his whereabouts on the night Mandy went missing. The Bensons worry about Mr. Benson's health....Read more

9 July 1998

July 9, 1998 • 30m

Jambo pays an unexpected visit as Mr. Benson recovers in hospital. Sol’s worst fears become a reality when D.S. Green arrives to t...Read more

13 July 1998

July 13, 1998 • 30m

D.S. Green has a witness who says that Sol was with someone in the stolen car. Mr. Benson returns home from the hospital. Cindy te...Read more

16 July 1998

July 16, 1998 • 30m

Sol receives a call from Mandy, but nobody believes him. Lucy starts to feel rejected by her family. Carol worries about her unsuccessful love life.

20 July 1998

July 20, 1998 • 30m

Tony and Jasmine get back together. Ruth's last night before leaving for London is overshadowed by Kurt's business success. Is Sol...Read more

23 July 1998

July 23, 1998 • 30m

Rob's annoyed with Lucy, knowing that something bad will happen to her if she doesn't stop taking drugs. Carol's excited about her...Read more

27 July 1998

July 27, 1998 • 30m

Kurt's flooded with regret, but is it because the night before or the fact he's married? Cindy's frustrated that she has no one to...Read more

30 July 1998

July 30, 1998 • 30m

Mrs. Cunningham's alarmed to discover that Cindy's taken Holly to the festival with her and insists Mr. Cunningham goes and collec...Read more

3 August 1998

August 3, 1998 • 30m

Cindy and Gina face the music from their festival antics. Kurt and Kate receive a surprise visit.

6 August 1998

August 6, 1998 • 30m

The gang visit Jambo in Anglesey: Tony and Jambo bury the hatchet, Kurt and Kate play with fire, whilst disaster strikes when Caro...Read more

10 August 1998

August 10, 1998 • 30m

Lewis sets out to find Mandy. Carol and Kevin face Jude. Finn receives a visit from his father.

13 August 1998

August 13, 1998 • 30m

Kurt and Kate try to resist temptation as Ruth is set to return from London.

17 August 1998

August 17, 1998 • 30m

Kate takes Kurt's mind off Ruth.

20 August 1998

August 20, 1998 • 30m

Mr. Richardson desperately searches the streets of London for Mandy. Ruth makes a surprise return. Jude plans a booze run to France.

24 August 1998

August 24, 1998 • 30m

Mr. Richardson tracks down Mandy. Kevin receives surprise female attention at Parker's.

27 August 1998

August 27, 1998 • 30m

A policeman from London brings horrific news about Mandy. Lucy thinks she's found someone to help her. Kurt receives an unwanted dinner invitation.

1 September 1998

August 31, 1998 • 30m

The Richardsons and Sol are devastated by the news of Mandy's supposed suicide. Kevin uses his initiative.

3 September 1998

September 3, 1998 • 30m

Sol makes a memorial for Mandy. Lucy steals from her family to fund her addiction. Carol receives good news, whilst Ruth remains o...Read more

7 September 1998

September 7, 1998 • 30m

The Richardsons get a rude awakening. Sol's graffiti goes unappreciated. Kurt is furious when he learns Ruth's job will keep her in London.

10 September 1998

September 10, 1998 • 30m

Sol starts to feel ostracised. Lucy receives shocking news. Finn has a surprise for Carol.

14 September 1998

September 14, 1998 • 30m

Rob grows despondent of his wheelchair-bound future and issues Lucy an ultimatum over her drug habit. Lewis and Mrs. Richardson st...Read more

17 September 1998

September 17, 1998 • 30m

Rob forces Lucy to go cold turkey. Max, O.B. and Sash threaten the booze run plot.

21 September 1998

September 21, 1998 • 30m

Max faces the music. Finn and Jude exchange harsh words. Lucy struggles to cope without heroin.

24 September 1998

September 24, 1998 • 30m

Ruth helps Lewis plan Mandy's funeral. Lucy faces difficult questions from Mr. Benson. Tony makes his radio debut.

28 September 1998

September 28, 1998 • 30m

Mandy's funeral takes place. Tony uncovers Kurt and Kate's affair.

1 October 1998

October 1, 1998 • 30m

Lewis turns down Jude in favour of Ruth. Kurt begins to regret his decision to end the affair.

5 October 1998

October 5, 1998 • 30m

Tony isn't pleased when Jude moves in. Lewis and Ruth struggle with their feelings for each other.

8 October 1998

October 8, 1998 • 30m

Tony and Jude clash. Rob issues Jude a business proposition. Kate and Kurt resume their illicit behaviours, whilst Sol and Cindy e...Read more

12 October 1998

October 12, 1998 • 30m

Kate's absent-mindedness gives Ruth her next story. Roger puts a business proposition to Jude. Kurt looks set to lose his job.

13 October 1998

October 13, 1998 • 30m

Sol discovers that Mandy is alive, and Lewis is horrified by her revelation. Rob pressures Lucy for money.

14 October 1998

October 14, 1998 • 30m

A sinister phone call causes friction between Kurt and Ruth. Rob gives Lucy an ultimatum.

15 October 1998

October 15, 1998 • 30m

Rob makes himself heard loud and clear to Kurt. Mandy receives an unwanted visitor. Carol and Jude head to France.

19 October 1998

October 19, 1998 • 30m

Lucy remains comatose. Kurt keeps tight-lipped about Rob's fate. Paul advises Sol to break up with Cindy and Mandy.

22 October 1998

October 22, 1998 • 30m

Sol and Paul drag Cindy along on their latest mission of mischief. Mandy struggles being back in Chester.

26 October 1998

October 26, 1998 • 30m

The Bensons' are furious when they discover that Lucy stole Ollie's inheritance. Jude worries about Parker's.

29 October 1998

October 29, 1998 • 30m

Mandy decides to go to the police. Jude hides her windfall in a supposedly safe place. Lucy fights a losing battle against her addiction.

2 November 1998

November 2, 1998 • 30m

D.S. Green formally questions Mandy over Mr. Richardson's abuse.

5 November 1998

November 5, 1998 • 30m

News of Mr. Richardson is urgently sought. Lucy finally accepts help with her addiction. Jude's money goes missing.

9 November 1998

November 9, 1998 • 30m

Lucy disappears. Mandy is dealt a blow. Ruth calms Lewis's temper. Carol walks out of Parker's.

12 November 1998

November 12, 1998 • 30m

Lucy is forced to face more home truths as she ends up at the rehab clinic.

16 November 1998

November 16, 1998 • 30m

Lewis makes Mr. Richardson reconsider his plea. Sol receives his punishment for the joyriding incident. Carol receives a shock whilst window-shopping.

19 November 1998

November 19, 1998 • 30m

Carol investigates Jude's mystery fiancé. Sol starts his first day of community service.

23 November 1998

November 23, 1998 • 30m

Jude starts to feel out of her depth. Mrs. Osborne's word about Kurt leave Ruth baffled. Sol tries to sort out his love life.

26 November 1998

November 26, 1998 • 30m

Jude's wedding day arrives and the heist gets underway. Tony starts behaving oddly and asks Jasmine to marry him.

30 November 1998

November 30, 1998 • 30m

Mandy is apprehensive on day one of the trial. The police finally catch up with Jude. Kurt decides to come clean.

3 December 1998

December 3, 1998 • 30m

The verdict on Mr. Richardson is in. Jude makes a great escape from justice. Kurt's marriage comes under strain, whilst Tony receives good news.

7 December 1998

December 7, 1998 • 30m

Carol discovers that Lucy has relapsed. Mandy gets annoyed with Lewis after receiving a letter.

10 December 1998

December 10, 1998 • 30m

Lucy feels guilty when an oblivious Mrs. Benson sings her praises. Ruth throws Kurt out, and Mr. Osborne does the same to Kate!

14 December 1998

December 14, 1998 • 30m

Kurt makes a confession to Ruth about Rob. Carol tells Lewis that she wants to get the band back together. Sol and Paul nick Finn'...Read more

17 December 1998

December 17, 1998 • 30m

Mandy disapproves of Cindy's hot date. Ruth agrees to speak to Kurt, whilst Sol and Paul dabble in crime.

21 December 1998

December 21, 1998 • 30m

Lucy demands answers about Rob. Tony has a stressful Christmas lunch. Finn surprises Carol with a new-and-improved Beryl.