April 22, 1996 • 30m
A band of benevolent Maximals follows a pack of power-seeking Predacons to a new planet.
April 23, 1996 • 30m
Dinobot challenges Optimus for leadership of the Maximals, but while they fight the Predacons launch an ambush.
September 18, 1996 • 30m
Cheetor becomes trapped in Tarantulas's net of deceit and torture.
September 23, 1996 • 30m
The Maximals are preparing to place out a Predacon detection system, but Optimus postpones it due to a fierce storm. Cheetor is ho...Read more
September 24, 1996 • 30m
A stone circle, showing abnormal energon readings, is activated during a Predacon attack and attracts an alien probe. While invest...Read more
September 25, 1996 • 30m
Terrorsaur comes across a mountain of energon floating in mid air. He chances robot mode to get a sample, but instead of damaging ...Read more
September 30, 1996 • 30m
One of the Maximal stasis pods, put in orbit before the crash, falls down in the north, and Optimus rushes out to retrieve it. Unf...Read more
October 7, 1996 • 30m
After repeated ambushes by the Predacons, this time costing the Maximals a stasis pod, Optimus calls Rattrap's loyalty into questi...Read more
October 8, 1996 • 30m
While the Predacons are preparing to strike at the Maximal base by creating a hole in the ground below it, Dinobot accidentally ac...Read more
October 14, 1996 • 30m
Scorponok infects Optimus with a virus supposed to make him a coward, but it turns him into a battle-crazed berserker instead. Fil...Read more
October 15, 1996 • 30m
Rhinox detects a Cybertronian probe entering the star system, but is unable to contact it though the energon fields. The only opti...Read more
November 1, 1996 • 30m
After installing a hidden camera in the Predacon base, the Maximals watch them destroy themselves during a power-struggle between ...Read more
November 4, 1996 • 30m
After Rhinox thwarts a Predacon trap, Megatron decides it's time to test Tarantulas' newest device on him - reprogramming the Maxi...Read more
November 5, 1996 • 30m
Megatron creates a clone of Dinobot's beastmode, and sends him off to deactivate Sentinel while Terrorsaur traps the real Dinobot in a cave.
November 11, 1996 • 30m
Rhinox spots a falling stasis pod while surveying unused Predacon territory. He is the first to arrive, but the pod is damaged and...Read more
November 18, 1996 • 30m
Tigatron discovers a floating island, with a giant obelisk in its center. When the obelisk fries Waspinator and Terrorsaur with a ...Read more
November 19, 1996 • 30m
Optimus and Rattrap race to the island to assist Tigatron and the wounded Airrazor, while Scorponok and Blackarachnia make their w...Read more
January 6, 1997 • 30m
Predicting the next stasis pod's landing, Tarantulas knocks out both the Preds' and the Maximals' computer systems. He plans to re...Read more
January 7, 1997 • 30m
The Predacons steal the Maximals' rectifier-coil, leaving the Axalon without Energon shielding. Forced to remain in beastmode, the...Read more
January 27, 1997 • 30m
A Predacon attack sets off a large energon explosion, leaving a group of Maximals with their optic-sensors non-functional while th...Read more
February 3, 1997 • 30m
During a fierce storm, the immortal spark of the Deception Starscream lands on the planet and takes control of Waspinator's body. ...Read more
February 10, 1997 • 30m
Tarantulas infects Rhinox with a virus that causes him to sneeze raw energon, rapidly depleting the Maximal's power cells. Optimus...Read more
February 17, 1997 • 30m
Tigatron accidentally blows up a Predacon ammo storage, and the resulting avalanche kills a feline friend. Tired of fighting, he s...Read more
February 21, 1997 • 30m
Inferno retrieves a golden disk hidden inside a glowing mountain. When Megatron sees it, he decides there are far more important t...Read more
March 31, 1997 • 30m
An alien spacecraft lands and captures Airrazor while she's examining it. Optimus and Rattrap enter to rescue her, while the Preda...Read more
April 1, 1997 • 30m
The spacecraft leaves, but not before revealing the second moon's true purpose - planet destruction. As it gets ready to fire, Opt...Read more