October 16, 2019
A girl has an operation to have squints in both eyes realigned, a man has his infected gall bladder removed and an ex-police offic...Read more
October 23, 2019
A woman has an operation to repair the hernia she suffered while giving birth and a four-year-old's ear blockage is so bad he need...Read more
October 30, 2019
Dr Fox's fiancée Sally is having an operation to remove her wisdom teeth – leaving him in the visitor's chair, Brian is having a d...Read more
November 6, 2019
Peter has been flown home from holiday for an urgent operation to repair a detached retina, Tony has a leaky vein which has caused...Read more
November 13, 2019
Lyn has an investigation of her womb after a recent biopsy revealed abnormal cells, Steve is worried about only getting a local an...Read more
November 20, 2019
Julia has a camera investigation of her womb to find out the reason for her heavy bleeding, Emma has a rare painful foot condition...Read more
November 27, 2019
Today, 21-year-old Ben has lost 11 stone but now needs his gallbladder removed as a result, AJ is in agony with compressed nerves ...Read more
December 4, 2019
Former RAF servicewoman Connie is in hospital to have a polyp removed from her womb, Carl will be wide awake while he has keyhole ...Read more
December 11, 2019
8-year-old Luke is having an operation to straighten his squint, Brian needs an ultrasound taken from inside his lung to confirm w...Read more
December 18, 2019
15-year-old Thomas has 4 baby teeth that haven't fallen out and need removing, Les is having his urethra widened so that a camera ...Read more