Season 3 (1970)

Rube Goldberg Machine

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Phil builds a maxxed out Rube Goldberg machine and learns a lot about different kinds of forces. Gravity, potential energy, kineti...Read more


January 1, 1970 • 21m

A Trebuchet is a giant, lever-based catapult. Phil uses it to hurl pumpkins! Mechanical advantage and the history of the trebuchet...Read more


January 1, 1970 • 21m

Starting with a small, syringe powered hydraulic arm, Phil maxxes things out by learning how to use the mechanical advantage of hy...Read more


January 1, 1970 • 21m

Making a maxxed out spinning top is just the start. Phil experiments with the Magnus effect, gyroscopic precession, pushing string...Read more

Geodesic Dome

January 1, 1970 • 21m

How do you max out a dome made of gumdrops and toothpicks? Well, how about trying to build one with oranges? Still not good enough...Read more


January 1, 1970 • 21m

Slime is made of polymers, which are long chains of molecules that explain how many things are made. From plastics, to fabrics to ...Read more

Antacid Rocket

January 1, 1970 • 21m

When antacid tablets mix with water, you get a chemical reaction. Phil harnesses this to make several variations on rockets! Plus,...Read more

Pumpkin Drop

January 1, 1970 • 21m

How do you max out an egg drop? With pumpkins, of course! Material science is the focus of this episode: nitinol, ulexite, carbon ...Read more

Gravity Boat

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Phil tries to max-out a boat that propels itself using just water and gravity. We pour over water specifically and fluids in gener...Read more

Friction Slide

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Who'd have thought something as simple as a wooden ramp could teach so much about science? Of course, it's helpful when it's 2 sto...Read more

Mousetrap Boat

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Building a boat that propels itself with the spring tension of a mousetrap is just the start. How about a long line of rat traps? ...Read more

Air Surfing

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Air is a fluid, just like water. That means you can surf it if you make a tumblewing. Phil explores lots of different methods of f...Read more

Nucleation Fountain

January 1, 1970 • 21m

Diet cola and mints! A fun experiment that's even more awesome when maxxed out. Air pressure bubbles through this episode, includi...Read more