May 11, 2022 • 55m
Reeling from the bloodshed, Edson meets Gomes, who lays out tough demands. To help the faction, Cristina is forced to smooth things over with Darlene.
May 11, 2022 • 55m
Gomes doubles down after hearing about Matos. Cristina convinces Darlene to try new tactics, then confronts her own past as they p...Read more
May 11, 2022 • 48m
As Darlene struggles to unload the drugs, Ivan pushes Cristina to sort things out with Oseas. But her ideas don't sit well with leadership.
May 11, 2022 • 52m
To get Zica on her side, Cristina comes clean about Faísca. After staking out Gomes, Darlene and Cristina carry out the escape pla...Read more
May 11, 2022 • 46m
An irate Gomes gives the wardens a chilling order. Edson pits Darlene and Cristina against each other. Marcel continues to help the police.
May 11, 2022 • 54m
With a price on his head, Edson plots a violent showdown with Gomes' squad, while Cristina proves — once and for all — where her loyalties lie.