August 31, 1997 • 49m
Where did we come from? The history of cosmology from flat earth to Big Bang: Eratosthenes and Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Galile...Read more
September 7, 1997 • 49m
Did the universe have a beginning? The Steady-State theory vs. The Big Bang, Albert Einstein, Georges Lemaître, Fred Hoyle, Arno P...Read more
September 14, 1997 • 49m
What is the universe and everything in it made of? The creation of matter, the building up of elements in stars.
September 21, 1997 • 49m
What is the destiny of the universe? Dark matter, WIMPS, MACHOS, neutrinos.
September 28, 1997 • 49m
Are black holes real? Ultraluminous quasars and supermassive black holes, wormholes, and singularities.
October 5, 1997 • 49m
Is there a theory that will encompass everything in the known universe? Inflation theory, quantum mechanics, string theory.