Season 3 (2022)

Home Made Heroes/Molly and the Snow Hawk

November 7, 2022

Molly and Tooey decide to make a few of their own Alaska Native superheroes; Molly wants to fix up her old sled for Trini, but she...Read more

The Story of the Story Knife/Raven Saves The Birthday Party

November 8, 2022

Molly tries to help an exchange student after she loses her prized story knife; Oscar works on remembering the old stories of his elders.

A Whale Of A Time/That's Snow Fun

November 9, 2022

Molly and Tooey help count endangered whales; a blizzard forces Molly and Trini to stay inside, but a box of treasures from Mom's ...Read more

Art From The Heart/Gold Strikeout

January 16, 2023

Molly and Tooey realize drawing is harder than it looks when they help Randall come up with a Northwest Coast design for Aunt Mema...Read more

Mystery in the Night Sky/Lights, Camera, Patak!

January 17, 2023

Grandpa Nat joins the kids on a night watch to determine what the mysterious light is in the sky; Molly and Tooey help Mr. Patak r...Read more

The Qyah Ice Classic/The Great Qyah Cleanup

January 18, 2023

Molly and her friends compete in a contest to predict when the river ice will break; the kids find some mysterious trash during a village cleanup.

Forget-You-Not/Fire, Food, & Family

March 20, 2023

Trini wants to send her mum a care package but she is unable to find all of her favorite things; Trini and her dad find themselves...Read more

Puppy Sitting/Big Dreams And Blue Skies

March 21, 2023

Trini offers to puppy-sit Tooey's newest sled dog, Khi, but ends up teaching him some bad habits; Molly makes a book about female pilots.

Sticker Shock/A Song For Lola

March 22, 2023

Tooey labels everything to keep track of his stuff; Vera wants to surprise her Lola Miranda with a special song.

Wise Raven and Old Crow

July 10, 2023

Molly's family takes a river trip to a traditional Gwich'in village for a ceremony honoring her grandma Catherine.