Season 3 (1983)

Cimmerean Dawn

September 30, 1983 • 1h

At the Tuscany Valley Cemetery, a funeral is in progress that will drastically affect the lives of everyone at Falcon Crest. After...Read more


October 7, 1983 • 1h

Angela jeopardizes Chases recovery by telling him about his mother's death. After Maggie confronts Angela, Angela declares that it...Read more


October 14, 1983 • 1h

After their baby's accident, Melissa and Lance agree to a truce, and Lance and Angela are soon thrilled when Melissa announces she...Read more


October 21, 1983 • 1h

Michael frantically races against time to stop Dr. Lantry from operating on Chase, which could leave Chase paralyzed for life. Ang...Read more

Judge and Jury

October 28, 1983 • 1h

While Chase returns to Falcon Crest, Angela orders Lance to make his homecoming difficult. Lance, in an attempt to undermine the G...Read more

The Wages of Sin

November 4, 1983 • 1h

Melissa helps push Julia closer to the gas chamber as she faces sentencing for two murders. As the judge prepares to pronounce sen...Read more

The Last Laugh

November 11, 1983 • 1h

Julia enters prison where she meets up with a tough matron who has a personal vendetta against the Channings, while Angela works t...Read more

Solitary Confinement

November 18, 1983 • 1h

Julia breaks down to beg Angela for protection against the ruthless inmates and prison matron who are out to kill her. Angela pays...Read more

Chameleon Charades

November 25, 1983 • 1h

Angela desperately protects herself when she discovers that Chase and Michael's investigation into Dr. Lantry's underhanded past p...Read more

The Double Dealing

December 2, 1983 • 1h

Railroaded by Angela, Dr. Lantry is jailed, but now he poses a bigger threat to the wine baroness who fears he will turn the state...Read more

The Betrayal

December 9, 1983 • 1h

Lance betrays Angela by revealing to Chase where Dr. Lantry is hiding. Chase accuses Angela of having arranged Lantry's bail and t...Read more

Coup d'Etat

December 16, 1983 • 1h

As Dr. Lantry nears death, Chase realizes that he may lose his only opportunity to see Angela behind bars. Lance boldly threatens ...Read more

No Trespassing

December 23, 1983 • 1h

Chase fights a vicious public battle against Richard Channing, who is trying to build a racetrack that could destroy the wine indu...Read more

Sport of Kings

January 6, 1984 • 1h

Richard has won the election to build his racetrack while Chase is madly driven to stop him, which results in an explosive disaste...Read more

Queen's Gambit

January 13, 1984 • 1h

Michael Ranson must face his fears from a dark past and perform surgery on Sheriff Robbins to save his life. In the operating room...Read more

Bitter Harvest

January 20, 1984 • 1h

Melissa loses control over her wicked power game when Philip intervenes and forces her to sell the Agretti harvest to him. Richard...Read more

Power Play

February 3, 1984 • 1h

Melissa and Lance resort to blackmail when Joseph's custody case goes to court. After enticing Cole into assaulting him in front o...Read more

Changing Times

February 10, 1984 • 1h

Angela plans to bargain with the Giobertis for control of Falcon Crest; in return, Melissa must give Cole custody of Joseph. Melis...Read more

The Aftermath

February 17, 1984 • 1h

Death looms over Melissa after her argument with Linda culminates in a fatal car accident. Lance spends the night with Terry while...Read more

Tests of Faith

February 24, 1984 • 1h

Terry's dark, sordid past is exposed to Michael when Angela goes to extravagant lengths to run her out of Tuscany Valley. Angela p...Read more

Little Boy Blue

March 9, 1984 • 1h

The New Globe publishes news of Julia's escape, while Julia steals a wallet and buys a wig from a waitress at a roadside coffee sh...Read more

The Gathering Storm

March 16, 1984 • 1h

Lance flies into a rage when he hears that Melissa sold Joseph to Angela for her half of Falcon Crest. Angela later warns Lance th...Read more

The Final Countdown

March 23, 1984 • 1h

Michael convinces Chase to let him operate on Maggie's tumor, which has already taken her sight and may take her life. Michael enl...Read more

Love's Triumph

April 6, 1984 • 1h

Just as Michael and Dr. Heller remove the last of Maggie's tumor, her heart stops. Working quickly, Michael and Dr. Heller manage ...Read more

Win, Place and Show

April 13, 1984 • 1h

When the cartel begins to carry out its plans to make a public spectacle of Richard's assassination at the grand opening of the ra...Read more

For Better, For Worse

May 4, 1984 • 1h

As Angela's wedding day draws near, Julia prepares to murder her mother. The wedding ceremony begins as Julia, dressed in a nun's ...Read more

The Avenger

May 11, 1984 • 1h

Emma and Lance discover Julia hiding out at the springhouse with her hostage Joseph. Terry receives a disturbing letter, dredging ...Read more

Ashes to Ashes

May 18, 1984 • 1h

At the charred springhouse, the coroner, after inspecting a ring and bone fragments, positively identifies the remains as Julia's....Read more