Season 1 (2010)

31 Years Before the Wheel

July 10, 2010 • 3m

Is it really so important that wheels are round? Caveman Al thinks not. He thinks that his square wheels are totally cool. And may...Read more

21007 Years Before Soccer

July 17, 2010 • 3m

Since the beginning of time, man has played ballgames. The round shape has been an inspiration to a countless number of games. So ...Read more

22405 Years Before Bottled Water

July 24, 2010 • 3m

It is quite unbelievable, that people will spend their money on bottled water, when most places can tap good water for almost noth...Read more

23506 Years Before Rocket Science

July 31, 2010 • 3m

It is not easy to roast beef when the rain pours down. Caveman Bob cannot light the wet firewood. Caveman Al is happy that he has ...Read more

2 Years Before Bow and Arrows

August 7, 2010 • 3m

Caveman Bob has an idea. If you attach a string to a stick, you can shoot arrows and make bird hunting much easier. Caveman Al lau...Read more

25009 Years Before Music

August 14, 2010 • 3m

Everywhere you go, you hear music. In the stadium before a match, when you dine at a restaurant, when you shop in a supermarket, o...Read more

28314 Years Before Commercials

August 21, 2010 • 3m

Caveman Bob wonders why Caveman Al is getting all the customers. The two cavemen are selling fish at the market. "I have to do som...Read more

26103 Years Before Fitness

August 28, 2010 • 3m

Caveman Bob thinks that Caveman Al is very strong. Caveman Bob wants to be just as strong, so he borrows Al's membership card for ...Read more

23111 Years Before Love

September 4, 2010 • 3m

Even cavemen have feelings. So when a beautiful cave woman suddenly appears it will of course lead to competition between the cave...Read more

29412 Years Before Dual Flush Toilets

September 11, 2010 • 3m

Did you ever had to go to a privy? Well if you do then you know how awful it can smell. No wonder that Caveman Bob is experimentin...Read more

64 Years Before the Soup Plate

September 18, 2010 • 3m

A soup plate is a very handy thing, especially when you're eating soup. Before it was invented soup eating was rather silly, and C...Read more

28416 Years Before the Family Doctor

September 25, 2010 • 3m

Caveman Al has a mysterious looking red spot on his skin. Caveman Bob is eager to find a cure therwise Caveman Al might die. Sever...Read more

? Years Before Common Sense

October 2, 2010 • 3m

See how a simple line in the dirt suddenly changed the world. From being part of the same mess, Caveman Al and Caveman Bob suddenl...Read more

20614 Years Before Cheap Junk

March 23, 2015 • 3m

Caveman Al's old stone hammer is not was it used to be, and he needs to repair it... but maybe is better just to replace it with o...Read more

21415 Years Before Neighbourhood

March 30, 2015 • 3m

Everybody knows how annoying the dog next door is. Caveman Al certainly does. And he will do whatever it takes to make it stop barking.

188116 Years Before the Barber Shop

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Lice and Fleas may have been the reason for the invention of shaving off mens beard and haircuts, but you better be careful with those sharp razors.

20517 Years Before Democracy

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Caveman Al and Caveman Bob have made a spectacular stone chair, almost as a throne. But they both want to sit in it, so what to do...Read more

23819 Years Before Diving

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Caveman Al is ice fishing with his club. But is not particularly successful. Caveman Bob gets an idea. If you go down to the fish,...Read more

20 Years Before Dance

April 6, 2015 • 3m

It seems that the human race always has moved, stamped their feet and clapped their hands to rhythm and music, but at one point it...Read more

20321 Before Traffic

April 6, 2015 • 3m

There are two kinds of road users: Those who belive in rules and regulations and those ignorants who don't. Caveman Bob thinks tha...Read more

26103 Years Before the Greenhouse Effect

April 6, 2015 • 3m

It was pretty cold in the old days. You had to wear woolen skarfs to you keep from freezing. But then Caveman Bob got a great idea...Read more

21023 Years Before the Aeroplane

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Since the morning of times man has been fasinated by birds and the art of flying. Even Caveman Al who tries to make his kite take ...Read more

27326 Years Before Crossing Rivers

April 6, 2015 • 3m

You can not just cross a roaring river. It can be very dangerous and also wet. But there are ways to do it safely. Caveman Bob sho...Read more

22228 Years Before Music Videos

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Caveman Al and Caveman Bob plays rock music and looking cool with cheap sunglasses and a rockstar attitude. They don't have any in...Read more

247729 Years Before a Good Night's Sleep

April 6, 2015 • 3m

Caveman Al is tired an wants to sleep. But how can he go to sleep with all the lurking dangers waiting in the dark. Caveman Bob sa...Read more

24130 Years Before Superstition

April 6, 2015 • 3m

A real miracle appears as Caveman Al is sawing his plot. Two stones placed on top of each other cracks the sky open and life givin...Read more