July 20, 2016 • 14m
While they are in the park Pappu surprises his Papa with a question about a word he heard on the TV. Surprised, the Papa wonders h...Read more
July 27, 2016 • 14m
While Papa, Pappu and his pregnant Mama are at the clinic for a check up Pappu raises the question "How are babies born?".. and ot...Read more
August 3, 2016 • 14m
While watching a cricket game- Pappu stumps across a condom commercial and thinks that it's candy, because of the many displayed f...Read more
August 10, 2016 • 14m
While searching for a tissue - Pappu finds one of his mom's sanitary napkins to cover a cough. Grandma meddle's in to say that onl...Read more
August 23, 2016 • 14m
Anand's dad and son use and associate the word "homo" in a different way. While his wife is giving life to their second child in t...Read more