October 23, 2016 • 5m
Pilot of series. Watch incoming freshmen learn to adapt to dorm life, college life, and everything that comes with it. Being aided...Read more
October 23, 2016 • 4m
Watch the boys meet their new hot neighbors and try to act cool. Who do you think pulls off being cool better?
October 23, 2016 • 4m
X learns of a dorm party and Jesse explains alternative ways to ingest alcohol. X may or may not be onboard with the idea but peer...Read more
October 23, 2016 • 5m
The gang is faced with one of college's biggest hurdles, not fitting in you say, no.
October 23, 2016 • 4m
College parties are fun! However, not all parties end well.
October 23, 2016 • 5m
The aftermath from the dorm party.
December 28, 2016 • 3m
Jesse returns home for winter break to find things are changing.
January 26, 2017 • 4m
Gordy sells blood on Craigslist and X gets a new tutor.
May 23, 2018 • 4m
Lacey is rushing a sorority when unexpected visitors mess things up. Gordy has BIG news and Barrett looks to capitalize. Chuck is ...Read more
June 21, 2018 • 4m
Chuck needs therapy, Lacey is looking for answers, Barrett is looking for.....we don't know what Barrett is looking for but we hope he finds it.
July 18, 2018 • 4m
The Conclusion of Lacey's rush week.