February 19, 2021 • 46m
Karen Miller’s in witness protection with a new identity: Emma Hall. When she befriends a local girl who then dies it triggers pre...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma finds Jess’ body has gone. Pete convinces her she has hallucinated on her medication but may be hiding secrets too. But she f...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma searches for the truth about Jess and finds that Pete worked at Saint Jerome House. Wary of his increasing control over her s...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma in freefall at her growing distrust of Pete. When she learns he owns the cabin she decamps to the storm shelter where she dis...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma’s return to Minnesota goes to the core of her being. Her secret protected by Esther is her daughter, Freya, being raised by f...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma determines to start her life again to be the mother her daughter deserves. Mary and John face their own exiles from their res...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Faced with news of Theresa’s murder, Emma begins to fear what she may be capable of having done. A local woman with second sight t...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma finds herself isolated and finally making sense of a past where she murdered Theresa because she was having an affair with Ki...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma uncovers the truth at Saint Jerome House and unwittingly sets off a terrible chain reaction in Rose who reaches out to Mary. ...Read more
February 19, 2021 • 46m
Emma fights to survive John. Mary attempts a rescue that sees both women fight John to the death. In the coverup Mary learns the p...Read more