September 16, 2021 • 53m
Controversy and betrayal strike TMS as a new year approaches. Alex faces a difficult decision.
September 23, 2021 • 52m
Stars struggle to accept new roles. The TMS crew comes together for an important dinner.
October 1, 2021 • 53m
Bradley covers the start of campaign season while Alex prepares for her big moment.
October 8, 2021 • 57m
A potential tabloid leak creates moral complications. A debate-moderator role becomes hotly contested.
October 14, 2021 • 55m
The UBA team head to Vegas, where past misdeeds continue to haunt them.
October 21, 2021 • 54m
TMS welcomes a new face. Bradley gets a surprise visit.
October 29, 2021 • 51m
Alex takes a trip to finally find closure.
November 4, 2021 • 56m
TMS races to report an unconfirmed story.
November 11, 2021 • 58m
Alex and Bradley try to accept change as a new book promises shocking revelations.
November 18, 2021 • 1h 1m
TMS covers a growing crisis that turns personal for Alex and Bradley.