May 4, 2015 • 22m
In this pilot for a soon-to-be smash hit video franchise, Justin and Griffin create Squirtle using the character creation tools in...Read more
May 12, 2015 • 22m
Griffin and Justin create a cybernetic Garfield and kill roughly two-hundred horses in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in this install...Read more
May 29, 2015 • 22m
Justin and Griffin turn their dark Monster Factory arts toward The Sims 4, and recreate a beloved television sitcom in the process.
June 4, 2015 • 22m
Fallout 3 is a really great game, so Justin and Griffin have decided to destroy it from within during this installment of Monster Factory.
June 29, 2015 • 22m
Justin and Griffin attempt to clone Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson, but spill a little big of Gogurt into the mix, birthing a Monster F...Read more
July 13, 2015 • 22m
Justin and Griffin rebuild Commander Truck Shepard into something non-human and non-killable when they take Mass Effect 2 into the Monster Factory.
August 7, 2015 • 22m
In this episode of Monster Factory, Justin and Griffin try to solve a few dino-mysteries with the help of a time-traveling Angela ...Read more
September 11, 2015 • 22m
In this harrowing episode of Monster Factory, we shape a new dictator for Second Life out of some primordial ooze we found in a du...Read more
October 12, 2015 • 22m
In this installment of Monster Factory, Griffin and Justin abuse the character creation tools of Bloodborne and somehow end up wit...Read more
October 27, 2015 • 22m
Justin and Griffin create an army of beautiful banana men to fight against the noodly final boss of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion in...Read more
November 12, 2015 • 22m
Griffin and Justin play around with Fallout 4, and incidentally create one of the most horrific creatures to ever roam the wasteland.
November 25, 2015 • 22m
Having accepted her terrible losses in the last episode of Monster Factory, The Final Pam carves a path of destruction across the ...Read more
December 15, 2015 • 22m
The Monster Factory ballad of The Final Pam comes to a close as we quite literally destroy Fallout 4 from the inside out.
January 14, 2016 • 22m
Griffin and Justin discover the beautiful, intricate character creation system of Black Desert Online, and, naturally, use it to p...Read more
January 29, 2016 • 22m
Explore the world of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen with a team of legendary heroes: All-Star pitcher Randy Johnson, a boy named Panp...Read more
February 11, 2016 • 22m
Griffin and Justin make a couple of Monster Factory children in the new MMO Blade & Soul, but end up getting completely shut down by Big Analog.
March 7, 2016 • 22m
Justin and Griffin play through an absolutely ruined version of Dark Souls while role-playing as a pizza-destroying mascot. Please...Read more
March 29, 2016 • 22m
Justin and Griffin attempt to recreate themselves in WWE 2K16, but along the way, something goes horribly wrong.
April 15, 2016 • 22m
Griffin and Justin play Dark Souls 3 on launch day, create a rowdy, dirty boy version of The Joker, and then get absolutely manhan...Read more
May 16, 2016 • 22m
Welcome to Second Life, Second Chances, a three-week miniseries Monster Factory event, sponsored by Totino's. Can the Boy Mayor of...Read more
May 23, 2016 • 22m
The Boy-Mayor and his campaign manager, Totino's, do a quick makeover, then make some highly targeted appearances all across the w...Read more
May 31, 2016 • 22m
The day of reckoning is upon the Boy-Mayor of Second Life. It's Election Day, and we're honestly unsure whether Totino's and the B...Read more
June 24, 2016 • 22m
Can Mëlissa complete her nearly perfect Sly Cooper costume before the big con? Or will her attempts at cosplaying be thwarted by h...Read more
July 8, 2016 • 22m
Now we're getting into our core competency: Being good at Golf. In this episode, we borrow the core facial structure of a late, gr...Read more
July 22, 2016 • 22m
There is one thing you need to know about Trüllbus — this tough dude absolutely hates crime. He hates it nearly as much as he love...Read more
August 9, 2016 • 22m
Look at your current household pet. What a sweetheart! Now, pick them up and put them in the garbage can. Because here at Monster ...Read more
August 30, 2016 • 22m
We weren't anticipating our encounter with Spore to turn into the latest three-part Monster Factory saga, but here we are. The gam...Read more
October 7, 2016 • 22m
Justin and Griffin perfect their Shrek-like creation, and — thank God — bring their time in Spore to a close.
October 28, 2016 • 22m
Meet Turbovicki: Sports Champion, Ruthless Warrior and our latest Monster Factory creation. None can stand in her way on her quest...Read more
November 14, 2016 • 22m
In this, the second part of our exploration of Wii Sports Resort, Hyper-Athlete Turbovicki faces her greatest challenge yet: The e...Read more
January 13, 2017 • 22m
Knife Dad is not the hero that the world needs, but he is also not the hero the world deserves. It MIGHT be a stretch to call him ...Read more
January 27, 2017 • 22m
In the last episode, a legend was born — a legend made out of knives and, like, rat fur. But leveling up in an MMORPG takes too lo...Read more
February 17, 2017 • 22m
Please do not tell on us to YouTube for this episode. We tried to hide every bepis that we saw, but we saw A LOT of them.
March 10, 2017 • 22m
WARNING: Individuals with photosensitive epilepsy should be advised that this video contains flashing lights and could be dangerou...Read more
April 2, 2017 • 22m
In this special episode, Eleven of Polygon's most dangerous monsters collide in the squared circle at Monster Mania. See friendshi...Read more
April 7, 2017 • 22m
We're kicking off a new miniseries here in the Monster Factory! It's called Sweeps Week, and it's going to CHANGE THE FACE OF TELE...Read more
May 5, 2017 • 22m
In the second episode of Monster Factory "Sweeps Week", Griffin and Justin play a fun game with the Full House family and make Dha...Read more
May 19, 2017 • 22m
"Everybody Loves Raymond"? Not Boba Fett, he HATES HIM. Featuring the cast from the OC.
June 2, 2017 • 22m
In the conclusion of Monster Factory Sweeps Week, television exec Todd Coolbody wraps up his streak of improving all the classic s...Read more
June 12, 2017 • 22m
Nick, Griffin and a team of anonymous external contractors have collaborated to create the most exciting piece of software to come...Read more
June 30, 2017 • 22m
Griffin and Justin create a sad brain man who yearns to be a cat man.
August 18, 2017 • 22m
Griffin and Justin play some b-ball with Stang, who is absolutely not Sting in a disguise.
September 13, 2017 • 22m
Welcome to Monster Factory: Just Like Art, a new series where we push Skyrim's character customization to the limit in an attempt ...Read more
September 15, 2017 • 22m
Griffin and Justin try to teach a small alien boy how to play golf in a respectable way.
September 20, 2017 • 22m
Welcome to the second episode of Monster Factory: Just Like Art, a series where we push Skyrim's character customization to the li...Read more
September 27, 2017 • 22m
Welcome to the third installment of Monster Factory: Just Like Art, a series where we push Skyrim's character customization to the...Read more
October 11, 2017 • 22m
What's the one thing that could make Skyrim better? Recreating one of the most popular '90s sitcoms inside of it. Ladies and gentl...Read more
October 18, 2017 • 22m
In the final episode of Monster Factory: Just Like Art, Griffin and Justin give themselves an easy task: creating the most powerfu...Read more
October 20, 2017 • 22m
On the latest episode of Monster Factory, Griffin and Justin make a rebellious, long-armed skateboarder whose three dimensions are...Read more
November 3, 2017 • 22m
Zeke Teenweed is just your typical teen. He loves skateboarding, drawing Shrek graffiti, and not being an undercover cop.
December 8, 2017 • 22m
Griffin and Justin's galactic adventure with Adult Cool is just getting started.
December 15, 2017 • 22m
Griffin and Justin take Adult Cool on a galactic kicking adventure in part two of their Phantasy Star Online 2 extravaganza.
February 2, 2018 • 22m
It's been a while since Arby "The Meathead" McDonald donned his wizard shirt and stepped in the ring. So maybe it's high time Grif...Read more
February 23, 2018 • 22m
Griffin and Pat get Arby ready for his first match by spending entirely too much time on his intro. Still worth it.
March 9, 2018 • 22m
Alliances are broken. Enemies become friends. Will Arby be able to pull off his special finisher? All that and more on the excitin...Read more
April 13, 2018 • 22m
Monster Hunter: World is so metal and it doesn't even know it.
December 5, 2018 • 22m
The boys are back in town, baby! Gather the children 'round, cause this new hidden object game is guaranteed to be fun for the whole family.
January 2, 2019 • 22m
If you thought you'd seen the last of Dr. Sexgun and his clandestine cache of audacious armaments, think again.
February 6, 2019 • 22m
Donny, you're out of your element.
March 6, 2019 • 22m
At long last, it's Jim Johnman's turn at bat. And also pitching. And also refereeing.
April 3, 2019 • 22m
On this episode of Monster Factory, the brothers try very hard to create a character in Fallout 76 despite Todd's best efforts.
May 1, 2019 • 22m
Slime Burger goes on a journey through Todd's twisted vision of West Virginia in search of legendary Camden Park in Fallout 76.
June 5, 2019 • 22m
A wise forest elf, Tammy Radbody always knows the best places to find river Skittles.
July 3, 2019 • 22m
Tammy Radbody may be a protector of the forest, but she'll totally start a forest fire for a new dress and some baguettes.
August 7, 2019 • 22m
Boldly going where no forehead has gone before.
September 5, 2019 • 22m
Yoba Skywalker Starwars has a killer outfit, but Starfleet is making him wear nerd armor. Where did his sick fashions get too? THE SEARCH IS ON!
October 16, 2019 • 22m
You're losing money by NOT signing up, come on!
November 6, 2019 • 22m
Avakin Life let's you do a lot of things, but is there a video game in there? Join your friend Nanci Budin 73 as we found out!
December 4, 2019 • 22m
Zachary "Zack Boy Bradley" i.e. SNACK BRAFF is really just Zach Braff if only he'd just get off his duff and commit to going a lit...Read more
January 15, 2020 • 22m
We gather here today in memory of Snack "Zachary Zach Boy Bradley" Braff, not to mourn, but to celebrate his brief but exceptional...Read more
February 16, 2020 • 22m
Well, it's come to this. Griffin and Justin are actually going to do the unthinkable and play WWE2K20.
March 11, 2020 • 22m
Don't talk to me or my vampire son ever again!
April 8, 2020 • 22m
Dugls n’ Richard are adventuring with their friends, fighting weird slime boys and hunting for that magical elixir we all crave, Awake MJ018.
May 20, 2020 • 22m
Yep, let's go into battle. *long sigh* See you guys in the adventure.
July 8, 2020 • 22m
He might have to become large, indestructible, and turn all his enemies into barrel, but dang it, Hungry-Faced Gil is going to bea...Read more
August 19, 2020 • 22m
Can glitches and crashes prevent Gil from beating Dark Souls 3 EXTREME EDITION? Unfortunately the answer is yes, but there's still...Read more
September 30, 2020 • 22m
Monster Factory is de-industrializing and making a bespoke, handcrafted monster for a change.
October 28, 2020 • 22m
jIM jELLY likes two things: Buffalo Wilds Wings and completely re-writing the rules of gymnastics... and jIM's all out of wings.
December 16, 2020 • 22m
The first NEXT GEN Monster Factory fully utilizes the power of the PS5 to create an updated version of McDonald's burger clown.
January 27, 2021 • 22m
In a Monster Factory first, the boys create a monster that's zero years old: a baby king that everyone hates. Huzzah!
March 25, 2022 • 25m
Monster Factory is back! We’ve got a fistful of boiled prawns and we’re diving into the world of Elden Ring to see if we can answe...Read more
April 20, 2022 • 22m
The Humdinger returns. He’s shirtless and ready to hunt Grinches, collect fingers, and snack on his beloved prawns.
November 9, 2022 • 28m
Someone call Jimmy Cams - we used Chimeraland to make a new version of Avatar 2 starring Uncleberry, the uber-sexy sharkman made exclusively of fins.
December 7, 2022 • 25m
Join Uncleberry as he tackles Chimeraland’s many fantastical challenges, like cleaning, cooking, caring for pets, and playing vide...Read more
July 5, 2023 • 25m
Lower body? Check. Pudding fist? Check. Turbo cupping scars? Also a check. We used only the most powerful shapes to build this ass...Read more
August 2, 2023 • 22m
Prince Legday hits the streets, putting pros, death robots, and lit majors alike to sleep, in hopes of getting enough sweet sweet ...Read more
March 6, 2023 • 20m
Toddddddd, we fixed your game – you’re so welcome. Just jammed in a whole buncha extra sliders for our own personal uses, so we ca...Read more
March 20, 2024 • 22m
He’s here to fight tooth decay but he’s not above taking a little cereal treat for himself when he can find one. Everyone needs li...Read more
October 23, 2024 • 30m
Despite Capcom's efforts to the contrary, we're kicking off a new season of Monster Factory with some pro strats and manips to spe...Read more
October 30, 2024 • 31m
Killford is preparing for his quest by recruiting the perfect squad: our pupating lord Gorge Washin, the teacher's pet Speical Boy...Read more
November 6, 2024 • 29m
Killford and the gang rely on the kindness of strangers as they head into the questionable frame rates of scenic Vermund and take ...Read more
November 13, 2024 • 22m
Our newest creation is bringing a real Lord Farquaad silhouette and a new non-nicotine, non-branded, nutrient-rich, cool-for-kids ...Read more
November 20, 2024 • 25m
The Vita-Vape CEO is back and she’s out to spread the good word of her powerful, nutritious vapes. The marketing strategy is a lit...Read more
November 27, 2024 • 23m
This time around, Justin is in the driver’s seat. He’s taking big swings and asking big questions like, “What if the man is a park...Read more
December 4, 2024 • 22m
Come for the super sloppy meditation experience, toilet toes, and Sprute’s drink it al, stay for the kid-friendly greasy prices and the horridor.
December 11, 2024 • 25m
Justin’s inadvertent love affair with fences continues as the boys construct a coaster that swiftly reaches into the realm of non-...Read more