June 5, 2005 • 1h
The stunning scenery of the romantic North of England, birthplace of landscape art, has inspired some of Britain's most renowned p...Read more
June 12, 2005 • 1h
David Dimbleby heads east to the area of England with the biggest skies of all. This part of Britain spawned more landscape paint...Read more
June 19, 2005 • 1h
The breathtaking Highlands and Glens of Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of the Republic of Ireland are David Dimbleby's desti...Read more
June 26, 2005 • 1h
Starting in Manchester, David Dimbleby heads off to explore England's heartland, the Midlands, in this episode of A Picture of Bri...Read more
July 3, 2005 • 1h
Episode 5 of Season 1 premiered on July 3, 2005
July 10, 2005 • 1h
The Mystical West, an enormous area that stretches from Stonehenge in Wiltshire to the furthest tips of Cornwall and Wales, is Dav...Read more