November 8, 2018 • 30m
Need to spice up your marriage? Well, good luck with that... Greg (Pete Helliar) and Em (Lisa McCune) are trying to figure out how...Read more
November 15, 2018 • 30m
It's date night for Greg and Em. Despite the best romantic efforts on both sides (including a trip to the beautician and personali...Read more
November 22, 2018 • 30m
Terry recommends that Greg have a vasectomy to simplify the contraception, and Marlo recommends that Em do something dangerous (li...Read more
November 29, 2018 • 30m
Em regrets that she hasn't been around enough since going back to work. She makes plans to go to Sophie's basketball game, but get...Read more
December 6, 2018 • 30m
Who doesn't love a hard rubbish collection? The Butler family is seriously low on personal space and need to throw out their old t...Read more
December 13, 2018 • 30m
It's Em's 25-year high school reunion, and she's looking forward to flaunting her new job. Meanwhile, Greg tries to 'be cool' abou...Read more
December 20, 2018 • 30m
Greg and Em implement a screen ban to give the family a break from technology. It turns out to be a great idea, in theory.
December 27, 2018 • 30m
It's Greg and Em's 15-year wedding anniversary and, as usual, things don't go as planned.