July 20, 2009 • 24m
Scientists have been reconstructing the history of the Moon by scouring its surface, mapping its mountains and craters, and probin...Read more
July 27, 2009 • 24m
Massive solar eruptions take aim at our high-tech society. 93 million miles away... an angry sun vents its rage. Dark regions, cal...Read more
August 12, 2009 • 24m
Why some tropical storms erupt into monster hurricanes capable of wrecking coastlines. Can they be predicted? Hurricanes are tropi...Read more
August 20, 2009 • 24m
From the Cassini spacecraft comes one of the greatest photographic collections. Scientists are using it to uncover a trail of clue...Read more
September 27, 2009 • 24m
Our Milky Way Galaxy is thought to harbor millions of black holes, the ultra dense remnants of dead stars. But now, in the univers...Read more
October 20, 2009 • 24m
The mind-blowing answer comes from a theory describing the first micro-moments of our universe. Just as scientists began to make p...Read more
November 10, 2009 • 24m
How long will the Universe as we know it survive? The answer depends on whether Stephen Hawking's theory about how black holes dec...Read more
November 18, 2009 • 24m
It's the ultimate buddy movie. Pete Conrad and Alan Bean were the second pair of Apollo astronauts to land on the moon. They combi...Read more
December 9, 2009 • 24m
Thick dust and blinding starlight have long obscured our vision into the mysterious inner regions of our Milky Way galaxy. And yet...Read more
December 21, 2009 • 24m
Did Mars long ago develop far enough for life to arise? If so, does anything still live somewhere underground? The search for answ...Read more
January 8, 2010 • 24m
What is the search for Earth-like planets telling us about our place in the cosmos? Is our Earth one of countless life-bearing wor...Read more
February 8, 2010 • 24m
Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to ...Read more
June 9, 2010 • 24m
Long ago, from the fires of our Sun's birth, twin planets emerged: Venus and Earth. Nature draped one world in the greens and blue...Read more
September 10, 2010 • 24m
What's the hottest place in the universe? What's it like inside a Black Hole? This video climbs the power scales of the universe, ...Read more
November 23, 2010 • 24m
Explore the biggest question of all. How far do the stars stretch out into space? And what's beyond them? In modern times, we buil...Read more
February 21, 2011 • 24m
The hunt for planets beyond our solar system has reached a fever pitch. Scientists are beginning to envision what these worlds are...Read more
August 19, 2011 • 24m
One of the deepest mysteries about how our universe came to be may finally be yielding to human investigation. Scientists are moun...Read more
October 14, 2011 • 24m
Cosmology has been turned on its head by a stunning discovery that the universe is flying apart in all directions at an ever-incre...Read more
May 11, 2012 • 24m
Over the next decade, the United States, Japan, India, China, Russia, and even private companies, are planning to send spacecraft ...Read more
September 23, 2012 • 24m
What are the energy extremes that define our universe? And how much power can the cosmos wield? Climb a ladder of increasingly pow...Read more
November 29, 2012 • 24m
Spy satellites first saw these brief but extremely bright flashes of light in the 1960s. For three decades, gamma ray bursts for d...Read more
February 15, 2013 • 24m
Join a small team of rocket designers as they open a window into the future of space travel.
April 6, 2013 • 24m
The two Voyager spacecraft are part of an ancient quest to push beyond our boundaries... to see what lies beyond the horizon. Now ...Read more
October 4, 2013 • 24m
There are signs that Earth’s great stores of ice are beginning to melt. With sea levels beginning to rise, scientists are looking ...Read more
February 3, 2014 • 24m
Follow Dr. Ben Longmier and his team into the rugged Alaskan wilderness on a quest to build a whole new type of rocket engine. The...Read more
May 23, 2014 • 24m
They are eruptions so vast, so Earth-shattering, they have changed the history of our planet. Climate collapse. Toxic turmoil. Mas...Read more
July 21, 2014 • 24m
The episode of Cosmic Journeys explores the intersection of paleoclimate and current climate science. Through its turbulent histor...Read more
September 19, 2014 • 24m
Are the universe and its physical laws so fine-tuned that the rise of life is inevitable? Or is life a fluke, a lucky roll of cosm...Read more
October 29, 2014 • 24m
Explore the challenges of interstellar flight and the technological possibilities that may one day send us on a long voyage out in...Read more
December 13, 2014 • 24m
This staggeringly visual feast of a documentary Brings cutting-edge findings of modern astronomy to life with state-of-the-art ani...Read more
July 10, 2015 • 24m
Where do you look to glimpse the birth of a solar system like ours? Our sun is thought to have formed along with a range of stella...Read more
July 31, 2015 • 24m
Since its launch 25 Years ago, the Hubble Telescope has returned images of unprecedented beauty of a dynamic and changing universe.
December 18, 2015 • 24m
May 22nd, 2011. A powerful tornado cut a mile-wide swath through Joplin, Missouri, the costliest and one of the deadliest tornado ...Read more
May 20, 2016 • 24m
Asteroids racing through the solar system have smashed into Earth before. What are the chances we'll get hit again? Armed with new...Read more
June 17, 2016 • 24m
Astronomers are probing the high-energy cosmic frontier with a series of key missions: Fermi, Swift, Chandra, NuSTAR, and Hubble.
June 23, 2016 • 24m
Planet hunters have detected nearly 5000 confirmed and candidate planets beyond our solar system. Most sun-like stars, it seems, a...Read more
November 13, 2017 • 24m
A startling collision in an ancient galaxy slews Earth's largest telescopes to a spot in the Hydra constellation. Two rapidly spin...Read more