Season 3 (1995)

Deduces Wild

September 9, 1995 • 21m

The Warners bother Sherlock Holmes for help with their scavenger hunt.

Rest in Pieces

September 9, 1995 • 21m

Slappy is asked to attend Walter's funeral, which is really a ruse planned by Walter to blow Slappy sky-high.

U.N. Me

September 9, 1995 • 21m

The Warners sing about the United Nations to the tune of "Down by the Riverside".

Super Strong Warner Siblings

September 9, 1995 • 21m

In a parody of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Warners fight against a giant insect destroying the Warner Studio.

Nutcracker Slappy

September 9, 1995 • 21m

Slappy and Skippy resort to extreme measures in order to crack the last nut in the kitchen, accompanied by music from The Nutcrack...Read more

Wakko's New Gookie

September 9, 1995 • 21m

Wakko tries to come up with a new "gookie", or bizarre facial expression.

A Quake, a Quake!

September 9, 1995 • 21m

The Warners sing a song about the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

Variety Speak

September 16, 1995 • 21m

Yakko and Dot explain to Wakko through song about how to read the headlines in Variety Magazine.

Three Tenors and You're Out

September 16, 1995 • 21m

Slappy's plans to take Skippy to a baseball game at Dodger Stadium go wrong when an opera performance by the famed Domino, Peppero...Read more


September 16, 1995 • 21m

Dr. Scratchansniff has only one player for his weekly bingo game – Wakko.

A Hard Day's Warners

September 23, 1995 • 21m

In a parody of The Beatles in A Hard Day's Night, the Warners run from their fans as they try to reach a cartoon convention. Guest...Read more

Gimme A Break

September 23, 1995 • 21m

Slappy tries to get away from the filming of a blockbuster action movie on her vacation day.

Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation

September 23, 1995 • 21m

The Warners try to tell people in a TV commercial to "get a life" instead of going over every little reference in their show.

The Tiger Prince

September 30, 1995 • 21m

A parody of the grand opening of Disney's "The Lion King".

All the Words in the English Language

September 30, 1995 • 21m

Throughout the episode, Yakko tries to sing all of the words in the English language dictionary to the tune of the "Mexican Hat Da...Read more

The Kid In The Lid

September 30, 1995 • 21m

The Warners visit brother and sister Mary and Scooter and raise a ruckus in the style of The Cat in the Hat. Guest appearance by Charlton Woodchuck.

Method To Her Madness

September 30, 1995 • 21m

In the 1950s, Slappy and Skippy attend a method acting class, which Slappy turns into a comedy class.

Gimme The Works

October 21, 1995 • 21m

Tired of their episode's latest plot (meeting a hot-dog salesman), the Warners walk out of their cartoon.

Buttons in Ows

October 21, 1995 • 21m

Buttons and Mindy parody The Wizard of Oz.

Hercules Unwound

October 21, 1995 • 21m

After the Warners walk out of this cartoon too, Pinky and the Brain plan to steal Zeus' lightning bolts in ancient Greece as part ...Read more

This Pun For Hire

November 4, 1995 • 21m

In a parody of The Maltese Falcon and film-noir, the Warners (as detectives) search and protect a mysterious statue from several s...Read more

Star Truck

November 4, 1995 • 21m

The Warners are beamed onto their favorite old sci-fi show, Star Truck, where they cause chaos to the crew and introduce engineer Squatty to donuts.

Go Fish

November 4, 1995 • 21m

Wakko gets in a fight with himself over a game of Go Fish.

Multiplication Song

November 4, 1995 • 21m

Yakko sings a song about multiplying 47 by 83.

The Presidents Song

November 11, 1995 • 21m

To the William Tell Overture, the Warners sing about all presidents from George Washington to Bill Clinton.

Don't Tread on Us

November 11, 1995 • 21m

Pinky and the Brain plot to replace the Declaration of Independence with Brain's Declaration of Obedience, which will make him emperor of the world.

The Flame Returns, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

November 11, 1995 • 21m

The Flame is present as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes his famous poem called "Paul Revere's Ride"

The Sound of Warners

November 18, 1995 • 21m

In a musical parody of The Sound of Music, Mr. Plotz hires Prunella Flundergust (a parody of Maria von Trappe), a nanny who unknow...Read more

Yabba Dabba Boo

November 18, 1995 • 21m

Chicken Boo attends a table read for the movie The Flintstones.

My Mother The Squirrel

January 27, 1996 • 21m

The little bird from Wild Blue Yonder returns and is adopted by Slappy.

The Party

January 27, 1996 • 21m

The Warners invite several people to their water tower in expectation of a surprise guest, who Thaddeus Plotz believes to be Steve...Read more

Oh! Say Can You See?

January 27, 1996 • 21m

The Flame is present and watches along as Francis Scott Key writes The Star-Spangled Banner during the War of 1812.

The 12 Days of Christmas Song

January 27, 1996 • 21m

The little bird from "Wild Blue Yonder" (accompanied by the Animaniacs orchestra) sings The Twelve Days of Christmas, with all of ...Read more

Dot's Entertainment

February 3, 1996 • 21m

Dot is hired to take up an act in a famous musical. When the director, Andy Lloud Webby, becomes annoying, she and her brothers decide to ruin it.

The Girl with the Googily Goop

February 3, 1996 • 21m

A showing of the Warners' appearance in a Googi Goop cartoon, "Little Red Riding Goop".

Gunga Dot

February 3, 1996 • 21m

In a parody of Rudyard Kipling's poem Gunga Din, Dot is the only one with water in a village and everyone wants it, because it is hot out.

Soccer Coach Slappy

February 3, 1996 • 21m

Slappy is the coach of Skippy's soccer team. Skippy keeps getting hit in the face by the ball, causing him to cry and Slappy decid...Read more

Belly Button Blues

February 3, 1996 • 21m

Katie Ka-Boom gets furious when her parents will not let her wear clothes that are "in-style" at her school, since they make her belly button visible.

Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise

February 3, 1996 • 21m

The Warners wake up from suspended animation in a spaceship in a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey. When AL5000, the computer of the...Read more

Valuable Lesson

February 3, 1996 • 21m

The Warners are visited by network censors after harassing Attila the Hun, their cartoons being too violent.

Wakko's 2-Note Song

February 24, 1996 • 21m

Wakko proves to Schratchnsniff that his song made of two notes is actual music.

Panama Canal

February 24, 1996 • 21m

Yakko sings a song on the Latin American waterway to the tune of "Low Bridge".

Hello Nurse

February 24, 1996 • 21m

Wakko sings a song about his favorite girl (Hello Nurse, of course).

The Ballad of Magellan

February 24, 1996 • 21m

The Warners sing a song about Ferdinand Magellan to the tune of "Git Along, Little Dogies".

The Return of the Great Wakkorotti

February 24, 1996 • 21m

Wakko, suffering from laryngitis and unable to belch, uses fart sounds from his hands to perform the "Chinese Dance" from Tchaikov...Read more

The Big Wrap Party Tonight

February 24, 1996 • 21m

The Warners sing about their big third-season wrap party at the water tower.