September 9, 1995 • 21m
The Warners bother Sherlock Holmes for help with their scavenger hunt.
September 9, 1995 • 21m
Slappy is asked to attend Walter's funeral, which is really a ruse planned by Walter to blow Slappy sky-high.
September 9, 1995 • 21m
The Warners sing about the United Nations to the tune of "Down by the Riverside".
September 9, 1995 • 21m
In a parody of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Warners fight against a giant insect destroying the Warner Studio.
September 9, 1995 • 21m
Slappy and Skippy resort to extreme measures in order to crack the last nut in the kitchen, accompanied by music from The Nutcrack...Read more
September 9, 1995 • 21m
Wakko tries to come up with a new "gookie", or bizarre facial expression.
September 9, 1995 • 21m
The Warners sing a song about the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
September 16, 1995 • 21m
Yakko and Dot explain to Wakko through song about how to read the headlines in Variety Magazine.
September 16, 1995 • 21m
Slappy's plans to take Skippy to a baseball game at Dodger Stadium go wrong when an opera performance by the famed Domino, Peppero...Read more
September 16, 1995 • 21m
Dr. Scratchansniff has only one player for his weekly bingo game – Wakko.
September 23, 1995 • 21m
In a parody of The Beatles in A Hard Day's Night, the Warners run from their fans as they try to reach a cartoon convention. Guest...Read more
September 23, 1995 • 21m
Slappy tries to get away from the filming of a blockbuster action movie on her vacation day.
September 23, 1995 • 21m
The Warners try to tell people in a TV commercial to "get a life" instead of going over every little reference in their show.
September 30, 1995 • 21m
A parody of the grand opening of Disney's "The Lion King".
September 30, 1995 • 21m
Throughout the episode, Yakko tries to sing all of the words in the English language dictionary to the tune of the "Mexican Hat Da...Read more
September 30, 1995 • 21m
The Warners visit brother and sister Mary and Scooter and raise a ruckus in the style of The Cat in the Hat. Guest appearance by Charlton Woodchuck.
September 30, 1995 • 21m
In the 1950s, Slappy and Skippy attend a method acting class, which Slappy turns into a comedy class.
October 21, 1995 • 21m
Tired of their episode's latest plot (meeting a hot-dog salesman), the Warners walk out of their cartoon.
October 21, 1995 • 21m
Buttons and Mindy parody The Wizard of Oz.
October 21, 1995 • 21m
After the Warners walk out of this cartoon too, Pinky and the Brain plan to steal Zeus' lightning bolts in ancient Greece as part ...Read more
November 4, 1995 • 21m
In a parody of The Maltese Falcon and film-noir, the Warners (as detectives) search and protect a mysterious statue from several s...Read more
November 4, 1995 • 21m
The Warners are beamed onto their favorite old sci-fi show, Star Truck, where they cause chaos to the crew and introduce engineer Squatty to donuts.
November 4, 1995 • 21m
Wakko gets in a fight with himself over a game of Go Fish.
November 4, 1995 • 21m
Yakko sings a song about multiplying 47 by 83.
November 11, 1995 • 21m
To the William Tell Overture, the Warners sing about all presidents from George Washington to Bill Clinton.
November 11, 1995 • 21m
Pinky and the Brain plot to replace the Declaration of Independence with Brain's Declaration of Obedience, which will make him emperor of the world.
November 11, 1995 • 21m
The Flame is present as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes his famous poem called "Paul Revere's Ride"
November 18, 1995 • 21m
In a musical parody of The Sound of Music, Mr. Plotz hires Prunella Flundergust (a parody of Maria von Trappe), a nanny who unknow...Read more
November 18, 1995 • 21m
Chicken Boo attends a table read for the movie The Flintstones.
January 27, 1996 • 21m
The little bird from Wild Blue Yonder returns and is adopted by Slappy.
January 27, 1996 • 21m
The Warners invite several people to their water tower in expectation of a surprise guest, who Thaddeus Plotz believes to be Steve...Read more
January 27, 1996 • 21m
The Flame is present and watches along as Francis Scott Key writes The Star-Spangled Banner during the War of 1812.
January 27, 1996 • 21m
The little bird from "Wild Blue Yonder" (accompanied by the Animaniacs orchestra) sings The Twelve Days of Christmas, with all of ...Read more
February 3, 1996 • 21m
Dot is hired to take up an act in a famous musical. When the director, Andy Lloud Webby, becomes annoying, she and her brothers decide to ruin it.
February 3, 1996 • 21m
A showing of the Warners' appearance in a Googi Goop cartoon, "Little Red Riding Goop".
February 3, 1996 • 21m
In a parody of Rudyard Kipling's poem Gunga Din, Dot is the only one with water in a village and everyone wants it, because it is hot out.
February 3, 1996 • 21m
Slappy is the coach of Skippy's soccer team. Skippy keeps getting hit in the face by the ball, causing him to cry and Slappy decid...Read more
February 3, 1996 • 21m
Katie Ka-Boom gets furious when her parents will not let her wear clothes that are "in-style" at her school, since they make her belly button visible.
February 3, 1996 • 21m
The Warners wake up from suspended animation in a spaceship in a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey. When AL5000, the computer of the...Read more
February 3, 1996 • 21m
The Warners are visited by network censors after harassing Attila the Hun, their cartoons being too violent.
February 24, 1996 • 21m
Wakko proves to Schratchnsniff that his song made of two notes is actual music.
February 24, 1996 • 21m
Yakko sings a song on the Latin American waterway to the tune of "Low Bridge".
February 24, 1996 • 21m
Wakko sings a song about his favorite girl (Hello Nurse, of course).
February 24, 1996 • 21m
The Warners sing a song about Ferdinand Magellan to the tune of "Git Along, Little Dogies".
February 24, 1996 • 21m
Wakko, suffering from laryngitis and unable to belch, uses fart sounds from his hands to perform the "Chinese Dance" from Tchaikov...Read more
February 24, 1996 • 21m
The Warners sing about their big third-season wrap party at the water tower.