December 10, 2022 • 30m
While working on her latest game, Najja takes a unique and murderous approach to ritual. After having his wounds appraised, Terenc...Read more
December 10, 2022 • 28m
Terence’s wound MANDY is maaaaad loud – and has been talking out of pocket to Najja – so Terence attempts to silence that dude… fo...Read more
December 17, 2022 • 31m
At Glorious’ birthday, Najja performs the ritual to end all rituals. Later, a rebirth leads to a revelation.
December 17, 2022 • 32m
Apparently you gotta use time to move in space, so while working on Ajjan, Terence and Najja hit a roadblock that neither flight n...Read more
December 24, 2022 • 30m
As he and Najja reunite with their ancestral lands, Terence speaks the parable of the pirate and the king. Which are you? Pirate or King?
December 24, 2022 • 39m
As her funders press for the release of Ajjan, Najja finds herself in the midst of an initiation in which she learns what it means...Read more