March 17, 2021 • 10m
A mysterious figure looks out over the new universe's version of West City. Nearby, Goku has been attacked by Frieza and Meta Cool...Read more
April 15, 2021 • 10m
Goku and Hearts struggle against the newly-empowered Frieza and Cooler, until their battle is interrupted by the arrival of the al...Read more
May 9, 2021 • 10m
On the unknown planet, Vegeta, Turles and Cumber begin fighting each other. Cumber temporarily disables Vegeta and continues fight...Read more
June 20, 2021 • 10m
Vegeta intervenes to protect Goku, but his new power runs out before he can deal with Black. Black reveals to Vegeta that he is an...Read more
July 11, 2021 • 10m
The new arrivals are revealed to be Gohan, Krillin, Android 17, and Android 18, who have been transported into the new universe. M...Read more
September 15, 2021 • 10m
The cloaked Saiyan teleports away as Goku and Vegeta overpower Black; however, Goku drops out of Ultra Instinct, and Black powers ...Read more
October 24, 2021 • 10m
Episode 7 of New Space-Time War Arc premiered on October 24, 2021
December 18, 2021 • 10m
Episode 8 of New Space-Time War Arc premiered on December 18, 2021