May 28, 2018 • 42m
As a recruiter for multi-level marketing self-help group NXIVM, Sarah Edmondson brought thousands of people to the organization. I...Read more
May 29, 2018 • 42m
Former Jehovah’s Witness Romy Maple–a survivor of child sexual abuse–embarks on a journey to uncover why her pleas for justice wer...Read more
June 5, 2018 • 42m
Amy Bril recounts her childhood growing up in the Children of God, a group notorious for pedophilia and “religious” prostitution. ...Read more
June 12, 2018 • 42m
Growing up in the United Nation of Islam (UNOI), Elijah Muhammad was forced into child labor, physical abuse and squalid living co...Read more
June 19, 2018 • 42m
Former “Moonie” Teddy Hose, tries to alert the public to a gun-obsessed Unification Church offshoot known as the Sanctuary Church ...Read more
June 26, 2018 • 42m
Despite their hippie persona and rustic community businesses, The Twelve Tribes have long stood accused of physically abusing chil...Read more
July 3, 2018 • 42m
Many believed that the problems within the FLDS community would be solved after sentencing Warren Jeffs. However, when Jeffs was l...Read more
July 15, 2018 • 42m
Former members of different groups meet to discuss their shared experiences with Elizabeth Vargas.
July 22, 2018 • 42m
Former members of different groups meet to discuss their shared experiences with Elizabeth Vargas.