Season 1 (2020)

In the Belly of the Whale

February 20, 2020 • 1h 31m

In the beginning, a plague crossed over the House of Heidelbaum. Its youngest, Jonah, was plunged into the belly of the whale; but...Read more

The Mourner's Kaddish

February 20, 2020 • 1h 3m

After discovering a clue about a murderous foe, Jonah travels to a wondrous land to locate a great evil and avenge his family. But...Read more

While Visions of Safta Danced in His Head

February 20, 2020 • 1h 5m

And on the second day, God created The Hunters, who at the behest of Meyer brought Jonah into their tribe. The Hunters were wroth,...Read more

The Pious Thieves

February 20, 2020 • 1h 1m

And when Millie pursued justice, so the envoys of Evil pursued Millie. Meyer appealed to Jonah, whose faith was strained by the tr...Read more

At Night, All Birds are Black

February 20, 2020 • 1h 1m

For the love of money is the root of all evil. A trail of signs did lead The Hunters unto a merchant’s lair, where unearthed remna...Read more

(Ruth 1:16)

February 20, 2020 • 1h 1m

Meyer imparted unto Jonah a proverb, with which Jonah fortified himself. A sharp tongued serpent sought to poison The Hunters’ res...Read more

Shalom Motherf***er

February 20, 2020 • 1h 1m

Hark! A wedding song rang out to unite The Hunters in a time of discord. “The Hunt is not only about death,” Meyer cried unto Jona...Read more

The Jewish Question

February 20, 2020 • 1h 5m

And there was a thick darkness in all the land. As The Hunters wallowed in the valley of the shadow of death, they turned to the s...Read more

The Great Ole Nazi Cookout of '77

February 20, 2020 • 57m

As a terrible plague loomed over the land and did portend to devour its people, The Hunters waged a great battle to prevent it. Up...Read more

Eilu v'Eilu

February 20, 2020 • 1h 9m

Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be m...Read more