January 14, 2019 • 44m
As an imminent flu epidemic threatens the U.S., Federal Agent Brad Wolgast is tasked with bringing in the experiment's latest chos...Read more
January 21, 2019 • 44m
Amy and a wounded Brad continue on the run from Richards and attempt to seek refuge with an elusive, ex-military instructor of Bra...Read more
January 28, 2019 • 44m
Brad strikes a deal with Sykes and Richards to stay with Amy at Project NOAH, as they begin to test the virus on her. Upon learnin...Read more
February 4, 2019 • 44m
In an attempt to protect Amy, Wolgast convinces Sykes and Lear to let them outside of the facility for exercise. As emotional flas...Read more
February 11, 2019 • 44m
With the sudden arrival of a high ranking official, Horace Guilder, to Project NOAH, Brad and Amy begin to strategize a possible e...Read more
February 18, 2019 • 44m
Tensions are high with a viral on the loose outside Project NOAH, as Guilder and Richards hurry to mobilize a search party. Amy vo...Read more
February 25, 2019 • 44m
Brad and Lila flash back through their history together as they plan to save Amy. The Secretary of Defense gives Horace Guilder fu...Read more
March 4, 2019 • 44m
As Amy experiences symptoms of the virus that indicate she is close to turning, Brad brings everyone together, and Lila and Sykes ...Read more
March 11, 2019 • 44m
When the only way to stop Fanning and the virals' escape from Project NOAH involves a dangerous explosion that could leave Brad, S...Read more
March 11, 2019 • 44m
When the only way to stop Fanning and the virals' escape from Project NOAH involves a dangerous explosion that could leave Brad, S...Read more