January 13, 2018 • 24m
The land has fallen into ruin, and children represent the last hope for humanity. One of them, Hiro, fails to live up to that purp...Read more
January 20, 2018 • 24m
The parasites struggle to come to terms with Hiro being the one who piloted Strelizia. Even Hiro can't really believe it himself. ...Read more
January 27, 2018 • 24m
After their failure in the startup trial, things are awkward between Ichigo and Hiro, who decides to ask to ride with Zero Two again.
February 3, 2018 • 24m
With the squad still feeling the aftershocks of the previous mission, things come to a head as the leaders run out of patience and...Read more
February 9, 2018 • 24m
It's time for Plantations 13 and 26 to start kissing, and the squad prepares for the huge battle this will cause. They also have t...Read more
February 16, 2018 • 24m
Ichigo, Goro, and the rest of Squad 13 engage in a battle far more dangerous than any they've fought before, all while having thei...Read more
February 23, 2018 • 24m
Squad 13 is given a much-needed break after defending the kissing plantations in a fierce battle. They head to an unexpected locat...Read more
March 2, 2018 • 24m
The boys get caught in a compromising situation, causing a rift within Squad 13. Will they be able to bridge this divide? And how ...Read more
March 9, 2018 • 24m
Soon after Goro becomes keenly aware of his feelings, he is put in a perilous situation. How will he and Ichigo respond in this do-or-die scenario?
March 16, 2018 • 24m
APE decide to give Squad 13 a reward in order to accelerate their development. The ceremony is held in a place Zorome has always d...Read more
March 23, 2018 • 24m
Squad 13's growth has been remarkable, but Chlorophytum's score keeps going down. With this in mind, Nana and Hachi propose a part...Read more
March 30, 2018 • 24m
Squad 13 heads back to the Garden for testing, with Zero Two's emotional state worsening by the day. They run into Nine Alpha, who...Read more
April 6, 2018 • 24m
In the deepest, darkest parts of a forest lived a strong and beautiful beast princess. Beckoned by the moonlight, she wandered int...Read more
April 14, 2018 • 24m
The information regarding Hiro's condition changes the entire dynamic of Squad 13, much to Zero Two's chagrin. She only wants to s...Read more
April 20, 2018 • 24m
The fierce battle to take the Grand Crevasse begins, and Hiro is forced to watch from the sidelines. Zero Two may have left, but S...Read more
April 27, 2018 • 24m
The parasites' living situation has changed drastically after the battle for Gran Crevasse. Zero Two's attitude toward them seems ...Read more
May 11, 2018 • 24m
Having seized Gran Crevasse, emissaries are sent out to demand the surrender of the klaxosaurs' leader. Meanwhile, the Nines visit...Read more
May 18, 2018 • 24m
Squad 13 is told they will be abandoning Mistilteinn soon, and they decide to go out with a bang by making one last memory of their lives there.
May 25, 2018 • 24m
Dr. Franxx confronts the APE brass about what they did to Kokoro and Mitsuru, and their attitude makes him reflect on his past, th...Read more
June 8, 2018 • 24m
Humanity's operation to wipe out the klaxosaurs once and for all begins, and APE sends Strelizia to take control of Star Entity, t...Read more
June 15, 2018 • 24m
There appears to be no escape from the impending destruction of Earth. But at the end of the world, Zero Two decides that she will...Read more
June 22, 2018 • 24m
Hiro is left shattered with an unresponsive Zero Two, and the children struggle to come to terms with the aftermath. Left all alon...Read more
June 29, 2018 • 24m
The gang heads off to space to fight in what they believe to be the final battle. Meanwhile, Kokoro and Mitsuru stay behind to fig...Read more
July 6, 2018 • 24m
While Hiro and Zero Two head to VIRM's home planet to defeat them, the rest of Squad 13 do their best to get life on Earth back on track.