April 30, 2000 • 1h
Nurse Anna Kirkwall is late on her first day. Simon tries to pursuade Ruth to come home from Australia with Alfie. Jakes christeni...Read more
May 7, 2000 • 1h
A young women is under strain from family life. Ruth refuses to return to Skelthwaite and a new male nurse arrives.
May 14, 2000 • 1h
The nurses of Skelthwaite become stranded on the moors putting to test their survival skills. Some long-awaited news arrives for Dick and Cheryl.
May 21, 2000 • 1h
Stephan has a nerve-wracking first day back at school. Chris's bedside manner is a little friendly putting his job in danger. Pegg...Read more
May 28, 2000 • 1h
Anna appeals for a prisoner to be allowed to visit his sick father. Simon moves in with Henry leaving behind more than painful mem...Read more
June 4, 2000 • 1h
Peggy has her last day at Skelthwaite medical centre. Dick and Cheryl are nervous about meeting Oscar their newly-adopted son for the first time.
June 11, 2000 • 1h
Anna treats a boy for epilepsy. The Scorpians go to France to play against their twin town. Chris falls for a hitchhiker and Simon...Read more
July 9, 2000 • 1h
A runaway horse causes a road accident leaving Peggy and Lucy fighting for their lives. Oscar goes to Dick and Cheryls house for the first time.
July 16, 2000 • 1h
Skelthwaites in mourning after Peggys death. A glamorous blonde arrives to visit an old friend. A suprise new arrival arrives for a farming family.
July 23, 2000 • 1h
Karen and Annas friendship is put under pressure when Karen starts work at the health centre. Peggys death has left Vic and Lucy s...Read more
July 30, 2000 • 1h
A nurses night out helps defuse a tense situation between Jacqui and Karen. A lucritive secret is discovered by Chris and Jacqui a...Read more
August 6, 2000 • 1h
Troubled Oscar is finally gotten through to by Dick and Cheryl. The Snow family can't cope without Peggy but the schools show prov...Read more
August 13, 2000 • 1h
Henry and Jess share an eventful meal. An memorable date for Simon and Anna but for all the wrong reasons. A childs welfare concea...Read more
August 20, 2000 • 1h
A mysterious virus assails the children of Skelthwaite and Goddards is blamed for it leaving it with closure hanging over it's hea...Read more
August 27, 2000 • 1h
A patient is thought to be suffering from domestic abuse while Jess's past causes her relationship trouble.
September 3, 2000 • 1h
Preparations are underway for the Skelthwaite fete bring Anna and Simons relationship to the boil. Stephan and Jacqui decide to marry in secret.