October 29, 2017 • 26m
Isaac struggles with his family situation at home and decides to finally run away and break free...
November 5, 2017 • 32m
Isaac almost burns his whole house down and then tries to escape by playing E.V.E. Virtual Reality for the first time...
November 23, 2017 • 42m
Isaac returns the crystals to Michael and has an intense encounter with a rebel named "Arachnid".
December 3, 2017 • 50m
Isaac and Arachnid infiltrate Solomon's hideout.
December 10, 2017 • 53m
Isaac joins Michael on a mission to track down a thief that overdosed on "XP".
December 19, 2017 • 32m
Mother Sarah attempts to save Isaac from his addictions...even though Isaac himself is busy switching drug dealers.
December 25, 2017 • 45m
In true Christmas fashion, Isaac runs away from home...but soon finds he cannot escape E.V.E.
January 5, 2018 • 40m
Isaac and Arachnid launch an attack on Malachi to retrieve the stolen "XP" while Mother Sarah attempts to do the "Lord's" work.