Season 23 (2020)

Martin Eden (di Jack London)

January 18, 2020 • 49m

In this first episode, the two competing are the Liceo Classico "Giacomo Leopardi" of Macerata and the Liceo Classico "Galileo Gal...Read more

Storie naturali (di Primo Levi)

January 25, 2020 • 55m

The episode pits the "Guglielmo Marconi" Scientific High School of Carrara against the "Giuseppe Garibaldi" Classical High School ...Read more

Aspettando Godot (di Samuel Beckett)

February 1, 2020 • 50m

The third episode of "Per un Pugno di libri", the most famous book-game on Italian television, sees the Liceo Scientifico "Nicolò ...Read more

Il giocatore (di Fedor Dostoevskij)

February 8, 2020 • 50m

The fourth episode sees the Liceo Classico "Giulio Cesare" of Rome and the Liceo Classico "Renato Cartesio" of Villaricca (NA) com...Read more

Frankenstein (di Mary Shelley)

February 15, 2020 • 50m

In this episode, the "Marie Curie" Scientific High School of Meda (MB) and the "Antonio Pacinotti" Scientific High School of Cagli...Read more

Poirot a Styles Court (di Agatha Christie)

February 29, 2020 • 48m

The episode is tinged with mystery with the novel "Poirot at Styles Court" by the British writer Agatha Christie, published in 192...Read more

La vita davanti a sé (di Romain Gary)

March 7, 2020 • 50m

The seventh episode features a comparison between the Liceo Scientifico "Antonio Rosmini" of Rovereto and the Liceo Scientifico "B...Read more

L'amico ritrovato (di Fred Uhlman)

March 14, 2020 • 55m

For a Fistful of Books, sees the "Saluzzo- Plana" Linguistic High School of Alessandria and the "Giuseppe Torno" Scientific High S...Read more