August 12, 2007 • 12m
All the people killed in the 2nd season finale return as zombies. The Defenders of the Earth accept their limitations. Shout On an...Read more
August 19, 2007 • 12m
The MythBusters team tackles masturbation myths. G-Force’s Tiny needs to shed a few pounds. Popeye’s friends hold an intervention ...Read more
August 26, 2007 • 12m
Randy experiences cross-dressing as the Pink Ranger and death in The Worst Halloween. The crew of Battlestar Galactica defeats the...Read more
September 2, 2007 • 12m
Law & Order has never been chickenfied till now. President George W. Bush receives a gremlin. Don't miss "The 33rd Year Old Virgin...Read more
September 9, 2007 • 12m
Ted Kennedy and Jenna Jameson battle celebrities in politics and porn! Link's looking for a decent reward from Princess Zelda. The...Read more
September 16, 2007 • 11m
Another black man in a fat suit movie. Big Jim tries to score. The Cat in the Hat has his way with the family pet and the kids nee...Read more
September 23, 2007 • 12m
The dinosaurs face their Armageddon. Barbie and Yasmin (of the Bratz) go head-to-head on MTV's Exposed. What happens on Tuesday wh...Read more
September 30, 2007 • 11m
An alien invasion isn't quite what it seems. Haunted houses are common, but not one with THIS kind of ghost! Can Bob the Builder t...Read more
October 7, 2007 • 11m
Our PS3 Contest winner gets what's coming to him. Mr. Rogers is turning Japanese. Spawn faces the Devil with his one true skill - ...Read more
October 21, 2007 • 11m
The Empire Strikes Back's Lando Calrissian led our heroes into a dinnertime trap with Darth Vader, and hilarity's the main course!...Read more
October 28, 2007 • 12m
The Maytag Man helps out...with his life. Crystar the Crystal Warrior gets smoked. Thelma & Louise regret their suicidal ways. The...Read more
November 4, 2007 • 12m
The Kool-Aid Man quenches some inconvenient thirsts. The mystery of why Encyclopedia Brown's parents aren't getting along. Wonder ...Read more
November 11, 2007 • 12m
She-Ra cannot get a moment of peace as Etheria is constantly under attack while she suffers from period pains. The Grease Gang cre...Read more
December 9, 2007 • 12m
...Christmas Special: Hermey the Elf sucks at being a dentist. All Sally wants is a love note, but for Linus it's Misery. A nerd i...Read more
April 1, 2008 • 12m
The Super Friends make way for The Super Pets. The Carmen Sandiego host has girlfriend troubles. Pac-Man learns that he’s been liv...Read more
September 7, 2008 • 12m
Conan the Barbarian tells us "What is Best in Life" with a song. The Nerds find out Revenge comes with a price. President Jenna Bu...Read more
September 14, 2008 • 11m
Sylar gets a new power in a Heroes parody. Behind the scenes of Excitebike. Mr. Magoo gets Laser Eye Surgery. Tarzan learns that n...Read more
September 21, 2008 • 11m
Vic Mackey from The Shield switches places with the Fantastic Four’s Thing, which references Michael Chiklis as he portrays both. ...Read more
September 28, 2008 • 12m
Diggers have Dug their own grave, Dig Dug-style, ya dig? You’ve never seen a Vegas crime caper like Ocean’s Thirty-Eight. The gove...Read more
October 5, 2008 • 12m
The latest Japanese commercial for a yeast infection cream needs a famous pitch-woman. The enemies of America are on the run as Pr...Read more