January 22, 2019 • 25m
Will, Emilie, and Jenna team up with a local balloonist to make a bucket-list dream of riding in a hot air balloon come true for J...Read more
January 29, 2019 • 25m
Will, Emilie, and Mason work together to restore an old Camaro and prepare a racetrack experience for Clint, a man who recently lo...Read more
February 5, 2019 • 25m
Will, Emilie, Mason, and Melanie spend the day as street performers to raise money for a mega-tip to give Laura, a waitress in Sea...Read more
February 12, 2019 • 25m
Will and Emilie team up with a recording studio to surprise Carl, a service-oriented man with Down syndrome, with an opportunity t...Read more
February 19, 2019 • 25m
Brooklyn is 14 years old and can only eat 20 foods, yet despite her severe allergies, she still loves to cook. She's always wanted...Read more
February 26, 2019 • 25m
David suffers from multiple blood disorders and as a result has lost both of his legs and several fingers. He can only leave his h...Read more
March 5, 2019 • 25m
Ali has been battling cancer for years and has been in and out of remission since she was four. Through it all, her best friend, B...Read more
March 12, 2019 • 25m
Jeff and Debbie Strong have adopted 15 children, many with disabilities or terminal conditions. Will and Melanie arrange a surpris...Read more
March 19, 2019 • 25m
Katie has Treacher Collins Syndrome and was born without ears or cheekbones. Despite her own struggles, Katie and has dedicated he...Read more
March 26, 2019 • 25m
Despite having Spina Bifida, Willliam is a happy and inspiring 12-year-old. Sadly, he lost his sister, who called him her super he...Read more