Resident Evil 7: Episode 0

January 21, 2017 • 1h

We're back and with a brand new game that's not out yet so that's why we are playing the demo! Watch Miles lose his shit as Kyle g...Read more

RE7 #1: Welcome to the Family

January 27, 2017 • 1h

Resident Evil 7 is finally out! Kyle and Miles are in a search for Ethan's missing wife. Along the way they break into private pro...Read more

RE7 #2: Daddy Ain't Happy

February 4, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles sit down to a nice, quiet, cannibalistic family dinner but when they try to leave early without helping with the di...Read more

RE7 #3: Poor Deputy

February 10, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles head into the basement and meet up with their old friend Larry...and his friend...and his several other friends. It...Read more

RE7 #4 - Mama's Babies

February 17, 2017 • 1h

Gray Haddock joins Kyle and Miles as they try to fumigate the old house of Marguerite's "babies". Things go sideways almost immedi...Read more

RE7 #5 - The Spider Lady

February 24, 2017 • 1h

The miracle of child birth, some say it's beautiful. They're wrong. It's an awful, disgusting, terrible, nauseating, gag inducing ...Read more

RE7 #6 - Happy Birthday!

March 4, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have cut down Jack and killed Marguerite so now it's Lucas' turn. Before that can happen the duo must find two key ...Read more

RE7 #7 - Brawl in the Bayou

March 10, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles find themselves stuck in Lucas' puzzle room but this time as Ethan. Luckily the duo have read Clancy's Pro Strategy...Read more

RE7 #8 - I'm on a boat and it's 107 proof

March 17, 2017 • 1h

What was supposed to be a V.R. fueled scream fest has turned into a drunken rage as Kyle and Miles fight, shoot, and peg their way...Read more

RE7 #9 - What Are? What is?

March 24, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles make their way through the derelict ship that brought Mia and Eveline to the Baker's back door. What secrets will t...Read more

RE7 #10 - E-001

March 31, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have fought their way through the ship and now stand at the entrance to the salt mines. The secrets to Eveline, Mia...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #1 - Gotta Go Fast!

April 7, 2017 • 1h

Could it be? Has it finally happened? Are Miles and Kyle going to play THE greatest Sonic game ever made? That's right Backwardz C...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #2 - Parenting 101

April 14, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles ponder one of life's great mysteries. "Is that Knuckles hand or is it a glove?" and "If it's a glove, what does his...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #3 - #Eyebrows4Cheng

April 21, 2017 • 1h

3D Animator Melanie Stern joins Kyle in berating and ridiculing Miles parenting methods. Will she be able to enlighten Miles and c...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #4 - Rage So Hard

April 26, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles start this week off right with a big ol' boss battle. They're getting close to the end of the Hero story and the pr...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #5 - The Dark Side

May 5, 2015 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have one Final Rush before they can play the Dark Story but standing between them and glory is the Edge Lord himsel...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #6 - Who are all these people?

May 12, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles are joined by Crunchyroll's Victoria Holden aka @SailorBee aka Shadow's gf 4 life and she brought a whole entourage of people with her.

Sonic Adventure 2, #7 - No One Between Us

May 19, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles are tearing through the Dark Story, gush about the big news from Sonic Forces, and find the Wal Mart of military ba...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #8 - Word Association

May 26, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles are finally, FINALLY reaching the end of the Dark Story. Hopefully Miles gets his spine popped back in place so the...Read more

Sonic Adventure 2, #9 - All the Upgrades

June 2, 2017 • 1h

As many of you have pointed out the boys are missing some upgrades. So Kyle and Miles have made the decision to get all the upgrades that matter.

Sonic Adventure 2, #10 - Last Story

June 9, 2017 • 1h

It's all been leading to this. What was the warning Dr. Eggman got at the end of the Dark Story? What's going to happen if Sonic A...Read more

One Off: Battlesloths 2025

June 16, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles are still deciding on a new game series so why not play a fun one off while they make a decision? Gray Haddock and ...Read more

DMC3, #1 - A Crazy Party

June 23, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have been invited to one crazy party filled with half demons, full demons, a sibling rivalry, a sky whale, a crazy ...Read more

DMC3, #2 - A Soul of Steel

June 30, 2017 • 1h

While Kyle and Miles run around on their demon massacre they talk about the oft forgotten brother to Dante and Vergil.

DMC3, #3 - Role Play

July 10, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles continue their ascent to the top of Temen-ni-gru and along their way they discuss how best to role play a Batman vi...Read more

DMC3, #4 - Attic Metal

July 15, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles are joined by Editor and Producer, Cole Gallian. Whille Cole entertains Miles with stories about his new house, Kyl...Read more

Dream Daddy

July 22, 2017 • 1h

Athletic Dad, Coffee Shop Dad, Rich Dad, Dad Dad. So many Dads and so little time but Kyle and Miles want to meet them all in the ...Read more

DMC3, #5 - Dante Daddy

July 28, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles pickup right where they left off with DMC3. This episode is full of bosses, post RTX stories, a special appearance ...Read more

DMC3, #6 - The Dick That Fucks The World

August 4, 2017 • 1h

They started from the bottom, then went to the top, and now they're at the bottom again. Kyle and Miles don't know what Temen-ni-g...Read more

DMC3, #7 - Bedroom Eyes

August 12, 2017 • 1h

While Arkham is busy opening the portal to the demon world, Kyle tells Miles about the other Star Wars smuggler, Dash Rendar.

DMC3, #8 - Demonic Chess

August 18, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles finally reach the top of Temen-ni-gru and enter the portal to the demon world. What would you expect to greet them?...Read more

DMC3, #9 - Boss Rush

August 27, 2017 • 1h

Like any classic game, when you get close to the end, sometimes you have to face off with each boss you've defeated up to that poi...Read more

DMC3, #10 - Two Brothers

September 1, 2017 • 1h

This is it, the last two missions for DMC3! Everything has been building to this moment, the sky whale, the fight with the Jester,...Read more

DreadOut #1 - Definitely Not Fatal Frame

September 8, 2017 • 1h

It's under 90 degrees outside and in Texas that means it's fall and fall means it's time for some scary games. Indonesian horror g...Read more

DreadOut #2 - Get Schwifty

September 15, 2017 • 1h

It's Friday, you're done for the day, it's time to sit down, relax, and enjoy some videos right? That may be true for everyone els...Read more

DreadOut #3 - Lenny G

September 22, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have obtained the scissors, the ONLY thing that can cut rope apparently. Now nothing is stopping them from going to...Read more

DreadOut #4 - Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

September 29, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have fought ghosts, and they have run from ghosts, but did they ever consider trying to sit down and talk to a ghos...Read more

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

October 6, 2017 • 1h

It's October and things are getting a little spooky around the office, some might say 2Spooky. Our boys are playing a different sp...Read more

Bendy and the Ink Machine

October 13, 2017 • 1h

2Spooky October continues with Bendy and the Ink Machine! What horrors will Kyle and Miles find in the inky black heart of this on...Read more

Alien Isolation: Last Survivor

October 20, 2017 • 1h

2Spooky October brings Kyle and Miles back to the Nostromo, back to the stress, the fear, the crushing anxiety. It brings them bac...Read more

Layers of Fear

October 27, 2017 • 1h

2Spooky October has to come to an end. So why not do it with a nice exploration game right? That's what Kyle and Miles thought any...Read more

Layers of Fear #2

November 3, 2017 • 1h

I know, I know, it's November and the card at the beginning says 2Spooky October but listen, our boys filmed this on Halloween and...Read more

Layers of Fear - Inheritance DLC

November 10, 2017 • 1h

Our boys thought they were done but oh how they were wrong. Years after the main game finished the painter's daughter returns to h...Read more

Shovel Knight

November 18, 2017 • 1h

Huzzah and greetings eager viewers. Join our intrepid young adventurers as they take up their shovels and journey to defeat the ev...Read more

Shovel Knight #2 - Fairy of Shovelry

November 24, 2017 • 1h

Episode 45 of 2017 premiered on November 24, 2017

Shovel Knight #3 - The Cream of the Crop

December 1, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles come across the unrivaled Baz, trade blows with the sub-aquatic Treasure Knight, and cross shovels with the cold hearted Polar Knight.

Shovel Knight #4 - This Armor was a Mistake

December 8, 2017 • 1h

Single screen co-op games can be a lot of fun. They can also be the most infuriating test of friendship two people can experience....Read more

Shovel Knight #5 - Gold Boi

December 15, 2017 • 1h

The time has come, our boys have faced off with every Knight in the Order of No Quarter and now the only thing that stands in thei...Read more

RE7 - Not a Hero

December 22, 2017 • 1h

It has almost been a year since Kyle and Miles put on the shoes of Ethan Winters and took on the foul creatures that inhabited the...Read more

RE7 - I.C.P.

December 19, 2017 • 1h

Kyle and Miles have a bomb strapped to their wrist, an I.C.P. loving mad man on the loose, and mold, so much mold growing everywhe...Read more