February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy brothers get a letter from someone who is worried that their college dorm room might be filled with haunted artifacts....Read more
February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy Brothers get a letter from a viewer who is concerned about padding their resume. So, the brothers attempt to reclaim Griffin's lost job.
February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy Brothers try convince a viewer’s wife to let him get a tarantula. So, the brothers pull out all of the stops to rebran...Read more
February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy Brothers mentor local teens in an effort to help a teacher learn how to connect with her students. While Justin and Tr...Read more
February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy brothers' search for secret societies in Huntington, WV takes them too close to the truth. With the help of the Huntin...Read more
February 23, 2017 • 30m
The McElroy Brothers plan to help a viewer with a vaping problem, but they get sidetracked when the holiday, Candlenights, suddenly arrives.