January 17, 2017 • 21m
Hosts Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi cover the First Amendment Defense Act, explore what it's like to be a woman in space and canonize a new saint.
January 24, 2017 • 21m
Hosts Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi cover Senate confirmation hearings, Louisiana's Attorney General, the Shade List, the inauguratio...Read more
January 31, 2017 • 21m
Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson talk trucks going berserk, escape rooms, trans bathroom laws, "menninists", and eggs you're supposed to put where?
February 7, 2017 • 21m
Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson talk Adele vs. Beyonce, the Queer Eye reboot, the tampon tax, and how nature is gay. And of course, the Shade List.
February 14, 2017 • 21m
Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi discuss gay conversion therapy, the plight of the female robot, true crime stories, and of course, The Shade List.
February 21, 2017 • 21m
Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson talk Oscars week, anti-choice legislators, misgendering trans people, sex studies, and of course, The Shade List!
February 28, 2017 • 21m
Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi talk loan discrimination, the gay blood ban, Bryan's ideas to help the WNBA, and the shadiest Shade List yet.
March 7, 2017 • 21m
Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson talk maternity leave, what Mormons really think of gay people, and TV lesbians getting killed.
March 14, 2017 • 21m
Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi talk gay sex ed, the problem with referring to grown women as girls, and Throwing Shade’s very own Diva Hall of Fame.
March 21, 2017 • 21m
Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson talk gay ghost hunters and climate change and throw a parade in the season finale!