July 8, 2007
Jamie's garden is bursting with tomatoes of every size, shape and colour. The freshness and vibrancy of the dishes Jamie makes le...Read more
August 14, 2007
This week Jamie prepares some meals using courgettes.
July 21, 2007
This week sees Jamie showing how to have the perfect barbecue. He also shows how to make a perfect marinade.
August 28, 2007
Jamie shows how easy it is to grow vegetables and fruit in your own back garden.
September 4, 2007
Under-rated members of the allium family take centre-stage: that's onions, garlic and leeks. Jamie pulls up some of his first oni...Read more
September 11, 2007
Purple, white and gold carrots, pink and white striped beetroots. The garden throws up a rainbow-coloured variety of beautiful ca...Read more
September 18, 2007
Everyone loves potatoes and Jamie is no exception. He enthuses about these underground jewels and makes the perfect potato salad ...Read more
September 25, 2007
This week Jamie creates a pork goulash and a smoked salmon dish.
October 2, 2007
Jamie makes a risotto, brushetta and stroganoff using wild mushrooms.
October 9, 2007
When he is invited out on a shoot Jamie takes a look at game birds used in cooking.
October 16, 2007
Of course Jamie's talking about pumpkins and squash, and his garden has a bumper crop of fascinating varieties, shapes, colours an...Read more
October 23, 2007
From Italian leaves to roots and hardy herbs, a quick trip round Jamie's veg patch produces an array of colourful ingredients to m...Read more