October 1, 2019 • 3m
Another day has begun. At the foot of a cat-shaped mountain sits a field of banana trees. As the bananas grow, out of them pop mys...Read more
October 8, 2019 • 3m
Meowteors rain down from the big round thing in the sky, and the bananyas collect them. They then carry all the meowteors to the e...Read more
October 15, 2019 • 3m
A meowteor twinkles as it falls to the ground. It bumps into a small banana... and out of the banana pops the adorable Droopy-eare...Read more
October 22, 2019 • 3m
Bananya is in the mood to do ninja things after reading a ninja manga, so he and Droopy-eared Bananya become Ninja Bananya's disci...Read more
October 29, 2019 • 3m
Bananya and Droopy-eared Bananya are walking in the mountains when it starts to rain, so they take shelter in a mysterious mansion...Read more
November 5, 2019 • 3m
Bananya and Droopy-eared Bananya are enjoying some fishing when, to their surprise, they fish up a robot cat! They're both thrille...Read more
November 12, 2019 • 3m
The whole village has turned out for a music festival. Appearing on stage is... On guitar, Emo Bananya! On drums, Metal Bananya! A...Read more
November 19, 2019 • 3m
The cat-shaped mountain blows its top again, signaling the arrival of another meowteor. It turns out to be... a device that transl...Read more
November 26, 2019 • 3m
Today is the annual festival. Many stalls have been set up, and everyone's having a great time! Then comes the long-awaited Bon da...Read more
December 3, 2019 • 3m
Another meowteor falls from the sky. As he approaches it, Bananya realizes that it looks just like the round thing in the sky. He ...Read more
December 10, 2019 • 3m
As Bananya and Droopy-eared Bananya are walking alongside the river, a strange wand floats their way. They ask the elder about it,...Read more
December 17, 2019 • 3m
Bananya and Droopy-eared Bananya meet the legendary Rainbow Bananya... along with her sister, Night Rainbow Bananya! To thank them...Read more
December 24, 2019 • 3m
Bananya looks around. What is this place??? It looks like the legendary Rainbow Bananya has used her powers to send him to the big...Read more