August 10, 2016 • 5m
Join Gavin, Michael, and Burnie as they discuss the finer points of starting riots, being beaten by children, and dodging professional linebackers.
August 17, 2016 • 4m
Join Gavin, Dan, and Blaine as they dodge speeding bullets, wear mascot outfits for a year and have their hands magically replaced by random objects.
August 24, 2016 • 4m
Join Barbara, Lindsay, and Ashley as they fight ninjas and deal with the perils of always being wet.
September 7, 2016 • 5m
Join Burnie, Nick, and Kirk as they beat old people and deal with aliens bursting out of their chests. Check out Crunch Time on September 11th!
September 14, 2016 • 5m
Join Geoff, Greg, and Tim as they gain a million dollars but lose all their dignity.
September 21, 2016 • 5m
Join Barbara, Gavin, and Jeremy for the season 3 finale of Million Dollars, But. Will the crew take a million bucks for a screamin...Read more