March 7, 2008 • 24m
The Bronze Saints head to the Elysium Fields, but Shiryu stays behind, sensing the presence of Specters. Three of them appear, Alr...Read more
March 7, 2008 • 24m
Ikki is about to follow his friends, but Pandora warns him that if he enters the path, he will be destroyed, since his Cloth is no...Read more
May 2, 2008 • 24m
Shaina tries talking to Seika, but she has amnesia. She lived all this time in a small village near the Sanctuary. Six years ago, ...Read more
May 2, 2008 • 24m
Aiolos, Dohko, Camus, Shaka and Aiolia's spirits sent their Cloths to help the Saints. Thanatos deduces that Poseidon sent the Clo...Read more
August 1, 2008 • 24m
Hypnos stands in Seiya's way, but is unable to stop him and Seiya continues towards the tower. Ikki fights Hypnos but is tossed as...Read more
August 1, 2008 • 24m
Hades tries to slash Athena, but Ikki gets in the way, getting injured in the process. Believing humans will ruin the Earth furthe...Read more