July 4, 2016 • 24m
It’s the spring of Naho’s second year in high school, and Naho receives a letter from herself, 10 years in the future. The letter ...Read more
July 11, 2016 • 24m
Kakeru enters the soccer club as a provisional member, just as the letter says. When the topic of lunches comes up after practice,...Read more
July 18, 2016 • 24m
In the letter, it says Kakeru won’t join the soccer club, but in reality, he does. This difference between the letter and reality ...Read more
July 25, 2016 • 24m
Naho is so concerned about Kakeru’s date with Ueda-senpai over the holidays, she can’t help but seem preoccupied and unable to foc...Read more
August 1, 2016 • 24m
Kakeru gives Naho a hairpin. And on the weekend, Kakeru invites Naho to study with him for the upcoming exams. As the pair begin t...Read more
August 8, 2016 • 24m
It's the last day of the school festival. Naho and Kakeru have promised to watch the fireworks together. However, just before they...Read more
August 15, 2016 • 24m
The letter from the future details the regret felt by everyone for being unable to celebrate Kakeru's birthday. As such, high scho...Read more
August 22, 2016 • 24m
Up until now, Naho had been doing everything the letter from the future had told her to do, but is the letter always right? The le...Read more
August 29, 2016 • 24m
Naho feels relieved now that she has the support of all her friends. On top of that, Kakeru and Naho begin to get even closer. Fin...Read more
September 5, 2016 • 24m
It's the athletic festival. Kakeru hurt his ankle during the pole-toppling game, and hid that fact from everyone else. Kakeru trie...Read more
September 12, 2016 • 24m
Naho got into a fight with Kakeru on New Year's Eve, and never managed to apologize to him before he passed away. At least, that's...Read more
September 19, 2016 • 24m
Kakeru moves to Matsumoto with his mother mother after she decides to move there for her own reasons. When she passes away on the ...Read more
September 26, 2016 • 38m
Naho can't give her Valentine's Day chocolate to Kakeru. Ever since what happened on New Year's Eve, Kakeru keeps putting distance...Read more