October 7, 2014 • 22m
The real facts behind America's biggest economic boom and biggest bust will shock you. On this episode of America: Facts vs. Ficti...Read more
October 7, 2014 • 22m
The true stories of the Alamo and Custer's Last Stand are very different from the way we remember them. Find out how Davy Crockett...Read more
October 14, 2014 • 22m
Myths cloud the real facts of history on the high seas. Find out what pirates really did with their treasure instead of burying it...Read more
October 21, 2014 • 22m
Our memories of the roaring twenties and lawless thirties are more myth than truth. Learn the shocking realities about prohibition...Read more
October 28, 2014 • 22m
The truth about America's greatest generals is obscured by myth. Learn that George Patton's nickname "Blood and Guts" doesn't mean...Read more
November 4, 2014 • 22m
Myths and misconceptions surround our most revered patriotic symbols. Learn how the Statue of Liberty was originally intended to s...Read more
November 18, 2014 • 22m
The truth about women during World War II goes way beyond Rosie the Riveter. In this episode, our stories range from the woman who...Read more
November 25, 2014 • 22m
Much of what we know about America's showmen is myth, not truth. Discover how Harry Houdini didn't die escaping from his famous to...Read more
December 2, 2014 • 22m
On this episode, we look further into some of the most iconic photos and footage from the Civil War, Great Depression, and World W...Read more
December 9, 2014 • 22m
Myths obscure the truth about Las Vegas. In this episode of America: Facts vs. Fiction, learn that gambling wasn't the first enter...Read more
December 23, 2014 • 22m
The stories of pioneering aviators are often not the truth but flights of fancy. In this episode of America: Facts vs. Fiction, we...Read more
December 30, 2014 • 22m
The truth about great feats of engineering can be clouded by myth. Discover that the Panama Canal doesn't run east and west, but n...Read more