December 12, 2007 • 50m
During World War II, Stan Vandewalle saves boxing trainer Max from the bombed German war prisoners camp, and shoots two German sol...Read more
December 19, 2007 • 50m
Now sonny Fabien Dumont understands, like trainer Max, reminding Stan of Alois's death awakes enough hatred to make him win, he be...Read more
December 26, 2007 • 50m
Platon has recruited Romain to help awake the worst in Stan- he says to have fucked Stan's thus scorned ex Martha in Belgium, whic...Read more
January 2, 2008 • 50m
The nasty game is played according to plan. Max worries about the hormonal preparates the quack gives Stan ...
January 9, 2008 • 50m
The big fight...