December 31, 2009 • 22m
You're at home watching TV, cleaning up or just reading a book. There's a knock at your door. It would seem the most logical thing...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
True home defense means keeping everyone safe & that means having a plan for every member of your family. Join Michael Bane, Rob P...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
An intruder has entered your house. You've planned for this situation & are prepared to react... until you realize he's not alone....Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
The Best Defense team dispels the myths of the typical "bar fight" & teachers you what it really takes to keep yourself & your com...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
Learn how to pit your skills of awareness, avoidance & de-escalation into practice to avoid a physical confrontation, & then learn...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
If the floor plan, your home or an intruder's actions make a traditional safe-room solution impossible, let us show you how to com...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
While traveling can be fun & exciting, it can also be dangerous. This episode of The Best Defense explores the strategies of keepi...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
Concealed carry means a lot more than just having a gun. It means having the skills, tactics & judgment to employ a firearm in a d...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
In this groundbreaking episode of The Best Defense, Michael Bane, Rob Pincus & Michael Janich will teach you practical armed & una...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
In this episode of The Best Defense, Rob Pincus & Michael Janich teach you how to fight effectively in confined areas & how to ada...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
Unfortunately, the freedom of the outdoors can leave you vulnerable to four-legged & two-legged predators. Imagine being in a tent...Read more
December 31, 2009 • 22m
This powerful episode of The Best Defense will teach you how to manage & avoid potentially dangerous situations & provide some har...Read more