Season 1 (2000)

Africa's Forgotten Kingdoms

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Deep in the heart of southern Africa, in present-day Zimbabwe, a great civilization rose and flourished in the 9th century A.D. It...Read more

Code of the Maya Kings

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Great cities in ruins, lost in the jungles of Central America and Mexico. Who would have built these cities? It would take more th...Read more

Empires of India

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Famed for its wealth, cultural treasures, and spirituality, India has beckoned the outsiders for centuries. Many have vied for con...Read more

Glories of Angkor Wat

January 1, 2000 • 1h

In 1858, a young French naturalist, Henri Mouhot, set out to discover new animal species in Southeast Asia. Instead, he stumbled o...Read more

In the Shadow of Ancient Rome

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Wealthier and more powerful than any other ancient civilization, the Roman Empire enjoyed a long period of prosperity. But perhaps...Read more

Lost Cities of the Inca

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Setting out in search of Vilcabamba, a hidden jungle city built in one of the more remote and inaccessible regions of the Inca Emp...Read more

Mysteries of the Nile

January 1, 2000 • 1h

A former circus performer drawn to Egypt’s mystique, Giovanni Belzoni developed a passion for uncovering its secrets and discovere...Read more

Quest for the Grail

January 1, 2000 • 1h

The legend of the Holy Grail, written in 1185, seized the European imagination and maintains its hold to the present day. It was t...Read more

The Edge of the Orient

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Early in the 19th century, the fog that long had shrouded Mesopotamia began to lift, in large part due to French-born Austen Henry...Read more

The Silk Road

January 1, 2000 • 1h

When East met West along Asia’s silk route, the collision of culture and tradition changed the course of world history. Winding te...Read more

Tibet's Hidden Kingdom

January 1, 2000 • 1h

In the 19th century, as it became aware of the colonial designs of European power on central Asia, Tibet expelled westerners and c...Read more

China's Frozen Desert

January 1, 2000 • 1h

A Chinese monk's description of oasis cities during a 7th Century pilgrimage would prove invaluable to another explorer more than ...Read more

Glories of the Ancient Aegean

January 1, 2000 • 1h

Most people thought that the city of Troy was fictitious, but in the 19th Century a German industrialist followed the clues in Hom...Read more