January 1, 2000 • 1h
Deep in the heart of southern Africa, in present-day Zimbabwe, a great civilization rose and flourished in the 9th century A.D. It...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Great cities in ruins, lost in the jungles of Central America and Mexico. Who would have built these cities? It would take more th...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Famed for its wealth, cultural treasures, and spirituality, India has beckoned the outsiders for centuries. Many have vied for con...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
In 1858, a young French naturalist, Henri Mouhot, set out to discover new animal species in Southeast Asia. Instead, he stumbled o...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Wealthier and more powerful than any other ancient civilization, the Roman Empire enjoyed a long period of prosperity. But perhaps...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Setting out in search of Vilcabamba, a hidden jungle city built in one of the more remote and inaccessible regions of the Inca Emp...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
A former circus performer drawn to Egypt’s mystique, Giovanni Belzoni developed a passion for uncovering its secrets and discovere...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
The legend of the Holy Grail, written in 1185, seized the European imagination and maintains its hold to the present day. It was t...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Early in the 19th century, the fog that long had shrouded Mesopotamia began to lift, in large part due to French-born Austen Henry...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
When East met West along Asia’s silk route, the collision of culture and tradition changed the course of world history. Winding te...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
In the 19th century, as it became aware of the colonial designs of European power on central Asia, Tibet expelled westerners and c...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
A Chinese monk's description of oasis cities during a 7th Century pilgrimage would prove invaluable to another explorer more than ...Read more
January 1, 2000 • 1h
Most people thought that the city of Troy was fictitious, but in the 19th Century a German industrialist followed the clues in Hom...Read more