October 20, 2002 • 45m
High technology did not play the major part in Southeast Asia that may have been expected. Rather, it was back to basics, the guer...Read more
October 21, 2002 • 45m
Drawing on its first experiments with helicopters in Korea, the Army in Vietnam came to rely almost entirely on the helicopter for...Read more
October 22, 2002 • 45m
Operation Rolling Thunder marked the first sustained American assault on North Vietnamese territory and thus represented a major e...Read more
October 23, 2002 • 45m
One of the most unsung heroes of the Southeast Asian War were Winch Men. Lowered from large camouflage helicopters into the tropic...Read more
April 6, 2004 • 45m
Benign aircraft has always proved useful for modification to the military. During the Southeast Asian War, such benign cargo plane...Read more
April 13, 2004 • 45m
In March 1965, U.S. air strikes into North Vietnam began. In April, the first dogfights took place. As the fighting grew into a ma...Read more
May 4, 2004 • 45m
The constant threat to all American aircraft missions was the Russian built missile known as SAM, which employed various levels of...Read more
May 11, 2004 • 45m
Not since World War II had bombers been employed in an operation of this scope. All previous air campaigns, including the initial ...Read more