October 4, 1976
Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, Alyosha and Igor, Jasper Britton, Spike Rawlings, Jean Wall
October 11, 1976
Karin Bosoni, Spooky, Bobby Wayne, Edith Chorley, The Cotton Mill Boys
October 18, 1976
Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, The Dot, Marty Williams, Elliot, Conspiracy
October 25, 1976
Blake Butler, The 2Bs, The Weltons, Alison Sneddon, Saxophone Jones
November 1, 1976
David and Laura, The Glen Jackson Dancers, The Manning Brothers, Izzie Rich, Shiner
November 15, 1976
Hughie Green, Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, Grace Kennedy
November 22, 1976
Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, Juniper Green, Sargeet, Homer Noodleman, Colin Stevens
November 29, 1976
Stage Three, Billy Roberts, Spider Jive, Katie Budd, Punch
December 6, 1976
The Redwing Country Band, The Reading Barbershop Harmony Club, Suzanne Kelly, Robert Berry, Rod McKenzie
December 13, 1976
Episode 10 of 4 October 1976 - 4 April 1977 premiered on December 13, 1976
December 20, 1976
Episode 11 of 4 October 1976 - 4 April 1977 premiered on December 20, 1976
December 27, 1976
Episode 12 of 4 October 1976 - 4 April 1977 premiered on December 27, 1976
January 10, 1977
Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, Berni Flint, Jimmy Cummins, The Midland Youth Jazz Orchestra, McMurray and George
January 17, 1977
Alan Driver, Jean Douglas, Stan Boardman, Charade, Kaleidoscope
January 24, 1977
Bob Sharples and his Orchestra, The Manning Brothers, The Bernards, The Merseybirds, David and Bernadette
January 31, 1977
Adrian Walsh, The Eddie Thompson Trio, Bobby Collins, Lesley, Helen McBennett
February 7, 1977
The Sheila Marie Dancers, Cedric Jemmet, Keith Knight, Reg Daponte, The Dun Eimar Singers
February 14, 1977
Shan and The Clowns, Sonny Jones, Kris Keyes, Roy Chappell, Patents Pending
February 21, 1977
Chuck Layburn, Arthur Scott Robertson, Mariko, Shadowstring Theatre, Microwave
February 28, 1977
Jingles, Don Wickens, The Barbershop Harmony Club, Frank Forde, The Stuart Highland Dancers
March 7, 1977
Laszlo, Stumpy, Elaine Carole, Jim Beavis, Ray la Bord
March 14, 1977
Nightair, The Krystals, Gwyneth and Vincent, Clive Webb, Hotfoot Gale
March 21, 1977
Contrast, Aliki, Tony Dowling, Bernie and Chas, John Bartlett and Yvonne Langkamer
March 28, 1977
Episode 24 of 4 October 1976 - 4 April 1977 premiered on March 28, 1977
April 4, 1977
Lips, Katie Budd, Grace Kennedy, Stuart Gillies, The Brothers